From the poop thread:
Sure, if the context revolves around whether water is wet or whether steel is an alloy of iron or whether tornados produce powerful winds, then some people are right in noting this and other people are wrong if they insist that this is not true.
Let’s call this the either/or world.
But suppose we shift gears. Suppose the discussion revolves instead around the role of government or gender or race or sexual preference.
Or the moral values and political prejudices of liberals and conservatives in reacting to the attack on the Capitol.
Let’s call this the is/ought world.
Which side is right and which side is wrong here? And how is this demonstrated to the same degree that it is demonstrated that water is wet, steel is an alloy of iron and tornadoes produce powerful winds? And how are the arguments that I make not relevant to probing what might be called the least irrational point of view?
In fact, all this reminds me of my attempt to draw you into probing this distinction:
With Mr Reasonable, I am confronted with a frame of mind that interest me because, as with karpel tunnel, he does not seem to embrace either God or the sort of hardcore moral and political objectivism embedded in the minds of the “fulminating fanatics” here. And, by and large, he shares many of my own liberal/left wing political prejudices.
Yet we clearly have a “failure to communicate”. I’m just curious as to the extent to which, if he is not in possession of karpel tunnel’s “visceral, intuitive deep-down-inside-me” Self, on what basis is he not himself as fractured and fragmented as I am?
But all of my attempts to discuss this in regard to an issue like the capitalism vs. socialism conflagration have only prompted one or another rendition of the “fuck off” retort.
Again: Why?
What is it about my arguments that perturb him so? And why can’t we explore this in a civil and intelligent manner?