Tell me what you think of this quote
"Any phenomenon associated with the acts of remembering, commemorating, and perpetuating a unanimity that springs from the murder of a surrogate victim can be termed “religious”
from A Published book.
Tell me what you think of this quote
"Any phenomenon associated with the acts of remembering, commemorating, and perpetuating a unanimity that springs from the murder of a surrogate victim can be termed “religious”
from A Published book.
Perplexing, i don’t like quotes that are to nebulous in nature due to the fact they have too many interpretations. My favorite quotes are straight and to the point. Because you can either readily agree with them or disagree. I often find the more contemplation you detain on any subject the more you try to justify its ideals rather then you find notions to dismiss them. Idealy this gives the mind hinderence on true thought or contemplation.
The author of this quote certainly played CYA. Just what is ‘perpetuating a unanimity’ supposed to mean? Does ‘murder of a surrogate victim’ include sacrifice, which in some cultures would not be considered murder?
Looks like gobbelygook in disguise to me.
CYA? Cover Your Ass?
Yup. That quote has so many interpretations possible that it either says everything or nothing and it look’s like that was the author’s intent - not an uncommon ploy amongst certain writers.
Remembering, commemorating = Liturgical service
perpetuating a unanimity = bringing about the same opinions or views and forming a tradition
the murder of a surrogate victim = the cross of Christ
I tend to ask the same questions as above - why write it in such an obscure way? Is there something intentionally ambiguous in the statement?