My other posts

I have some other poems that i posted recently looking for feedback --positive, neutral or negative - I don’t care as long as the negative feedback is constructive and informative, not a viscious attack-- that’ve had numerous views but have yet to elicit replies. If you didn’t like them, please let me know. I promise I won’t take the negative feedback personal. If they need work, I’d like to know so I can do what needs to be done to make them better if I feel they need to be improved or or see a new angle on them from someone else’s perspective. Is a non-reply to be interpreted as neutral or negative or possibly positive, but no one can articulate why they like them, ergo no replies.


Fine damnit, I’m going to reply now…

Now that’s what I like to hear, a genuine poet, writing in total poverty, for the chance of a small meal!

Allow time for your flood of poems to reach the sea of back pages then write something new and keep in mind, thirsty man, drop of water.