my schizoaffective drawings

… i use my blood draw mini abstract pictures… if you are interested in and hve time…you can see my drawings in myspace: …if you have any suggestions …please feel free to tell me…

                                                                                 1/X-->0  thanksss with my brain

Very nice…and cryptic. =D>

(should have put it in Visual Arts, though)

… . thank you very much for your comments and suggestions…

… maybe …i think that…my drawings is not an art… i really donnot understand art …or even myself… … .
( maybe i use incorrect words…am not good at english… )

It’s all good. Existence is without meaning. You are just being part of existence. (Your art is even more natural this way). :wink:

. . . I like to keep my blood generally inside my body before its digestive process. But the painting is very beautiful.

‘Do something useful today, give blood’

…not paint with it!


Creepy, but cool. :evilfun:

… … … . thank you very much…for comments…and suggestions…

… many years ago… i loved to give(donate) my blood for the red cross in my country…
… but…since i had to take medicine for my schizoaffective… i could not anymore…
… cause my blood have some of that medicine always…
… it’s make me feel… … … … … . ( i donot know the vocabulary to explain my feeling…)

… … … . thank you very much for comments and suggestions…again… with my heart… .