Math and synergy can be used to understand the human condition. Metaphysics and modern psychology are explored using a formula.
but lack experience in conditions
I dont understand
conditions , the experience of life . its one thing to theorize in the comfort of an office , but how does a professional give addvice to someone who has not experienced the situation ?
This applies to the general population. Unless you are schizophrenic or severely autistic or just psychotic this probably applies to you. One of these three characters probably fits you.
but it doesn’t , so now what ?
Well I disagree but if you dont want to see yourself as one of these thats fine. Im not forcing it onto you. I dont see it as advice. I’m really just exposing something that has always been there and some people will choose to apply it to themselves and others wont. its all good.
its not all good
So what’s your problem with it? Any type of feedback is good.
So what’s your problem with it? Any type of feedback is good.
whats my problem with what specifically ?
my concept of personality types
my concept of personality types
do they always apply ?
your problem with them is that they dont always apply?
your problem with them is that they dont always apply?
Oooh. Double-posting. That loses a few points.