My theory of reality

Observable reality: what we see,hear,touch,taste,smell.
Rational reality: what we know is true but without physical experience.
Theoretical reality: what we imagine to be real based on assumptions.

Switch those defenitions around please , or else your just trying to create something Cataclysmic because of a mistake.
Thank you phil


Is there always a clear distinction between rational and theoretical reality?

reality is what you experiance every second of every day. Your born, you live,you experiance different sensations/thoughts/perceptions, you die. our sensations/thoughts/perceptions are dependent on our bodies organs coming into range/contact with external(non-bodily) stimuli. we have a memory which is used to record specific beliefs/preferances and past events. The memory is limited and some things are more preaeminent and important. Where do you live? Why do you eat? Why do you drink? These are questions you only need to answer once(as you do them mostly every day aka thier fresh in your mind)
Why do i breath? these are things which does not require any thought as our capacity for remembering/thinking is not that limited. It takes me a milisecond to realize i’m hungry, (though there is a progress of bodily function that prequals the realization) Its a matter of stimuli and response. I think that breathing is much like that(maybe more subtle)After years of experiance we develop a variety of behaviour patterns. Stimuli and response leads to belief and association. A kid who gets soap in his/her mouth when they curse is less likely to curse. Belief and association are what happens at the end of the thinking process. We value certain things more than others out of sheer preferance. This is free will. your free to do and say(believe) what you like and are only limited by biology and physics and now in the civilized world economics(goods and services are traded for goods or services or currancy) and a governments laws (which are enforced by police and the military is used to protect our sovriegnty and “peacekeep” . Philosophy is almost the opposite of religion. the statement Philosophy is questions without answers and religion is answers
without question comes to mind.
Why can we justify a belief in something which can not be objectiely proven to exist? aka God
I’d say because we all love life and dread the thought of dying, and believe that that Jesus guy was Real and not just a charector in a pretty story. So yah, reality is anything that is. and thus anything that is, is a part of reality. our conciousness/body is what allows us to experiance the external world. when we experiance our body in conjunction with the external world we can easily decide if the experiance is a good or bad experiance. The progress through our string of experiances is what i’d call
life, you get your goals from a set of beliefs you develop through your life
in conjection with your definition of success and conception of time. Time is only needed because we are a civilized society with deadlines. If i decided i wanted to go on welfare and never work i could do this but i know that social assistance is not good $$$$ to make me happy. You need
a healthy balance of $$$ to be happy because were ruled by the laws of economics and a desire for success. Money is obviously only a part of the equation because its highly frowned upon to hate your job.

The type/source of experiance is what draws the distinction between the different senses of reality. the only difference between theoretical and rational reality is proof. memories are the a dynamic function of the brain as they can be of physical experaince or thoughts/perceptions. Without a memory life would have no meaning. The experiances we have fade and become different experiances, our beliefs change as we grow older and more knowledgable. Memory is what brings our different experiances together. its the pool we draw our thoughts from.

By reality, you mean what exists, yes? My theory is that for something to exist it has to affect you. When you see the ball, it exists because it is directly affecting you (you can see it). You don’t have to directly feel or see something for it to exist. For example, laws of physics. We cannot see gravity, but it has to exist because things fall to the ground and there is no other explanation of what makes them do that. The proof of god works the same way. According to a believer in ancient times, God had to exist because of all the miracles that were happening all around the him (the believer). The spontaneous death of crops or people, and the change of seasons could be explained by God. God had to exist because, where is another explanation for everything. God was indirectly observable. But now, God is less and less observable, because of science, which provides more useful explanations.