My thoughts on the Universe, God, and Good and Evil

Hello everyone my name is Jonathan and I’m 14 years old, still young but I have read a good amount of philosophy and I’m ready to debate my ideas to make them more fullproof (i want to be wrong!).

The Universe- The big bang theory is something i believe, but i dont agree with some philosophers when they say there was a beginning and will be an end to the the Big bangs, if i am to believe there is no god (“i am the alpha and omega”) than i am to believe that everything has to have a begining and end than the universe will have to end, and what will be left? I will not believe something i cant comprehend. were all victims of the physical world and we will all die and take part in the metaphysicall cycle or matter, energy and space.

God and the Beyond- Friedrich Nietzsche said that “God is Dead” and that we are his murderers…Well If there was a god sure why not? But I’m just not so sure, faith isn’n an easy thing. I do not believe in god because i do not believe in what the bible says (i agree with the morals) but i want there to be a god… and i want there to be a life after death… and there might be one or both of those things, but if they exist im sure that they are on such a dimension that we couldn’t even begin to comprehend it. But in this world that is most likely all it is because that was the random turn of events I am going to live and not worry because I agree with Albert Camus “You will never be happy if you continue to search for what happiness consists of. You will never live if you are looking for the meaning of life.” and I want to be happy

Good and Evil- Ahh my favorite topic… THERE IS NO SUCH THING AS GOOD AND EVIL ON THE WHOLE. There are many different good and evils within the conformatys of the universe, but there is not a universal good and evil that we know of. For example, one socioty may believe or enforce murder of innocent children to be evil, but in another socioty it could be considered good. it may make the victoms unhappy in someway or form physically but if they are in a socioty where things unpleasent are considered “Good” than he/she/it will still be unable to part from it, because parting from it could mean “evil” in the given conformatys of that socioty.

Cool, good to start young.

Let me just posit a phrase that you could try to dispute which I think will deflate your arguments some.

There is no nessisary logical connection between what we can know, and what is actually true.


Ah you cruel thing, to discourage someone so young and brave … and you tell me there is no evil? :wink:

Hi Jonathan, I am 32 and I have quetioned for years all the concepts you have presented. It is good to know that there are some youngs cats out there who do inquire about such things, I wish I had access to a board like this at your age…kudos to you!

I think in the end, it is the choice you will have to eventually make on whether you see things as having a conclusion or whether the beginnings and ends are part of continous time. I also do think that it is human nature to want conclusions because we then can have a certain amount of control or knowledge on something unknown such as something like death…so we continously question if it is a conclusion or just the ebb and flow of life.

Never read Nietzsche, so I have no knowledge of his ideas…however in stating “God is Dead” one would have to believe that there was a god. He had to have been quite frustrated. However, this Camus guy, makes a lot more sense on many levels. For what you seek you will never find, it will escape your grasp…I do think that in order to get what you want you have to forget about it and perhaps it will find you.

True! I do agree. It is human nature to place judgement on what is good or evil, based on things such as culture, religion, politics…etc, etc…and through these things we develop certain fears that create the judgement of good and bad (evil).

I personally do not believe in good and bad, right or wrong…if I were to give credence to one, I must then accept that the other does exist. However, all is just perception based on a belief system. I would eventually have to consider this perception I have as to where and how it came to be in order to make such judgments as good and bad?

To further your discussion, is it possible that we, this thing called human have spiraled downward instead of upwards that we would base our life on these ideals? If one were to live mindfully, actively conscious and being cognitive, would there be a concept of good and bad? right or wrong? Would they be important…is not our function on this earth to just live & die as all things?

Jonathan forgive my ramblings, I hope I made some sense, it is late here but I wanted to answer your post. Look forward to other’s ideas here.

Evil exists.

For evil is that …

… which was love and joy now grief and hurt
… which was beauty and perfection now marred and corrupted
… which was valuable for its sake now a commodity of trade for other’s sake (ie prostitution)
… which was life now death