There’s a section in our profiles for getting into contact with someone through aim, icq, www, and pm. But what about myspace, which, statisically speaking, a lot of members probably have a page of their own. Of course, I don’t know if this is possible or not, but I’m here to just toss the idea out there - good day.
myspace, or facebook, or bebo, or… there’s a lot of them.
I put my space in my website section…
Yea… but, what about those of us who put their website in their website section. :\
put your myspace in your sig.
Yea… but the whole idea is to get to other people’s myspaces. If there was an option, I assume many people would add there sites - and that’s what I really want. Oh… your going to make me start a thread in mundane for links to myspace, and I don’t want to do that…
Anyway, hopefully the mods, will at least consider my idea.