Natural patterns = God

What is God

  • God is the natural governing patterns
  • God created the Natural governing patterns
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i really cant see any logic or viable evidence for the existance of the judeo-christian god, or any other religious deity. however i dont see know of any valid argument against the existance of a god.

i see form and order, evolution follows a trend. there are rules, design. we are supposedly here by chance, but for there to be chance, there must be possibilities - something created the possibilities. this would lead me to think that the universe is goverened by a set of natural patterns. but i am unsure if the governing natural patterns are god, or whether god created the natural patterns.

i also think however that it is pointless arguing what created what, we cant know, so we can only accept that they [patterns] exist.

it would be interesting though to find out what peoples views ont he natural patterns idea is.

well i think if “god is the patterns” then you are faced with “what created god? what created that?” since the nature of the universe is such that things have causes, so it seems like he must also.

i think this problem is avoided if you say that god is the creator of the system known as cause and effect. because i wrote a program that has pictures of boobies, and there are no such boobies present in the creator of that program.

therefore there is not neccesarily cause and effect in the land of god, but there is if god “is” the system that contains cause and effect.

Well, going a bit off of topic but do you see the Universe as a single entity os many different things? Is the Universe just one thing that exists or is everything existing as single entities? When you think that there Universe is all that there is then how can you say that it exists as ‘‘one’’ thing and not many things existing as single entities? I ask this because then you ask then does there really need to be some kind of pattern? Maybe it’s worlds within everything?