New Axis of Evil Forming

Coming from you, that’s a compliment.

Work on your rational arguments; they’re laughable.

Dude, a guy who even has sex, let alone grabbing teenage pussies is nowhere near being on messiah-hood.

I’m going to be perfectly honest with you:

I’m a really fucking good man. You are not.

You have the capacity; you have the potential - you just don’t understand.

You know how you think you’re more intelligent than others? Well… I’m more intelligent than you.

Just a simple fact of existence.

Hunter Biden has a $1,000,000,000.00 pay-off from China, which is funneled to Joe Biden, as a pay-off for the election and its fraud.
CCP literally bought this country. You are a traitor, along with those who sold this country out.

K: and your proof? oh yeah, it was on Biden’s son computer, whatever happened to
that computer? you know the one that you said would change history?

UR: Trump is the only one defending, and capable of defending this country.

K: you mean the one who tried to overthrow the government and void the constitution?
that one?

UR: All those who do not support Trump, are turn-coats, agents of CCP and Communism.
This is also proved by how Democrats hate Democracy, and are now trying to flood the country with Illegals, to boost up their illegal, fraudulent vote count.

K: better be careful with the, if you don’t support him, “you are an traitor” talk
that never ends well… and democrats didn’t try to overthrow the government,
conservatives did and talk about “flooding the country with illegals” simply is that,
talk with no basis in reality… right wing talking points that simply ignore the last
4 years of IQ45 putting children into concentration camps…

UR: “Democrat” means dead-voters, illegal voters, teenager and children voters, false addresses, back-dated ballots, etc.
K: be careful with that kind of talk, someone might think you were bitter about something…


See?! Cognitive dissonance on steroids!!

So, back to this:

I love when you prove my points whenever you try to disagree with me, feebly.

Kant, Kantianism, Neo-Kantiansimus is always good, but if the majority has nothing more to say and only globalists against the rest of mankind or soon probably also against itself the most terrible wars lead, is also Kant not much use.

When evil is in power, it follows its own “reason” and its own “categorical imperative”, namely without or/and against the rest of mankind. Or?

Do you know?

I do.


You and Kropotkin are two of the most retarded wannabes on this website.

At least Ecmandu, to his credit, has voracity and switches it up, sometimes.

You and Corruptkin are old, senile, and have a lot in common with Dementia Joe.

Concerning penis wars:

While degenerates like Ecmandu yell to everybody about his penis,

Korruptkin and Lambo slurp pudding in their Dementia states,

Russia, China, and Iran are all aligning their forces, and salivating at this weakling, pussified, contemptible, corrupt President and their Communist underlings.

Our country is going to be destroyed unless these evil forces (including the Anti-American shills on this website) are put into check, quickly.

I guarantee all Americans (not many on this website though) that Russia-China-Iran are not arguing among themselves about whether cross-dressing faggots should play women’s sports.

Instead they are masculinizing their boys, and readying for war, while America disintegrates from within.

In how many years before the enemy are at the gates?

Or that their agents have already not infiltrated the city?

While they invade, our faggot “men” will still be busy destroying America from within.

bro your guy was running this bitch for the last 4 years who you blaming?

Russia-China-Iran respected Trump

they do not respect Biden, its obvious


i see ur out of touch with recent news and the alaskan summit between china and biden administration

not my fault ur uninformed

Such a destruction usually comes from within, and this is because a destruction from without would not be possible if it were repelled from within at all times.

It is comparable to the immune system of an organism. Namely, the immune system of an organism is an internal defense system against attacks from the outside. If the immune system is weakened or is itself the attacker (as in the case of the current vaccine based on genetic engineering), then the attackers from the outside have an easy game, they have almost nothing to do, otherwise just be there, the rest is done by the immune system fighting against its own organism, thus the defense system inside.

And it certainly doesn’t help the US to have a leader who removes that skin from the body and invites in any and all germs.

Certainly not.

It’s like an US leader without an immune system volunteering to go to the bioweapons lab in Wuhan and then coming back to the US and throwing a party every day for everyone in the US. :wink: :evilfun: :sunglasses:

Perhaps in the greater scheme of things a bio-weapon invasion was a bilaterally necessary step to avoid nuclear world wide destruction

You guys are fucking nuts.

Fact: most problems in negative zero sum realities derive from sex. I tried to say it in a humorous way and some asshole called it “penis wars”

I don’t have sex you piece of shit, it’s not easy, because I give a fuck about life and existence.

Don’t fucking mock me. You know as well as I do that sex is ruining the world.

Try being a man for once in your life.

My level of existence is so far beyond your present comprehension … my whole life is spiritual and supernatural … and I use it to look after hypocrites like you.

I don’t need a fucking lecture from you dude.

I eat your fucking food with you, for you.

Don’t fucking mock me dude, especially about things you don’t understand.