I’m a Christian, so by declaring yourself a Satanist of the devil-worshipping variety, you’ve declared yourself my enemy, and the enemy of everything I value. So, what am I supposed to think of you?
That said, you are just some guy on the internet, so I’m not going to lose sleep over it. As far as how people will react in your community, I really don’t know, depends on your community. But any Christian should be extremely disgusted with you, and perhaps go so far as to despise you if you intend to raise children under your same beliefs. It’s not a matter of religious tolerance, it’s matter of you basically declaring, “I am an Evil person, and I want my kids to be evil as well.” Not a whole lot more to say or respect after that, is there?
I totally get what you mean, faust. From my perspective, Satanism is that thing that exists solely to piss people like me off, so I just play my part. To an atheist, it would be just another pack of BS like any other.
There is/was another Satanist here (Dr. Satanical) but his description of Satanism was different in that he did not ‘pray’ to or even value an actual ‘Devil’ figure, his religion was simply called ‘Satanism’
Insofar as I’ve gathered, there are many different types of Satanism; can you quickly lay out the general schemata of yours?
Uccisore - I have to be continually convinced that Satanism isn’t silly - I think they are trying to piss you off.
I don’t call religion bullshit. In reflective moments, I will say that no metaphysical statement has meaning.
Satanism always struck me as a rebellious child - all of its theological premises derive from Christianity - and are then used to reject Christ. Seems like a theological waste of time.
Of course they’re trying to piss me and mine off. But they’re trying to do it in that “Aren’t we cool, we piss off your MOM!” way. Seems to me that whenever some actual, real, downsides to pissing people off come around, they like to get all pissy-pants and whine about their rights and tolerance, same as the next guy. I guess I’d just like to be a reminder that pissing people off isn’t as bitchin’ metal super-fun as it might at first appear.
Welcome to ILP Hellspawn… do you prefer Hellspawn or would you mind having a nickname like Hell or Spawn or any other derivitation related to or symbolizing in any way as long as they pertain the words Hell or Spawn? (Todd McFarland would love to meet you I’m sure!)
My ball is with Gobbo… exactly how do you define your schema of Satanism? We used to have a couple of Satanists (to my knowledge) running around these parts, but they’ve moved on.
If you bring into the forums an aire of common sense and learned intellectuality, you will have no problems having favorable discussions and making friends! I have to warn you though… being the enemy of a many “Christians” on this site will test your theological knowledge as well as intellectual. It is all relative anyway… Good luck!
Grand to meet everyone!
hello sir Hellspawn and welcome to ILP.
i bet you and Dan~ can rack up some great posts here. what a great day, and Sagesound pleased to see you around.
i’m off to complete my difficult schoolwork - much love to everyone
[-o< [-o<
Howdy Hellspawn, Satanism is not any worse or better then any other religion each demands human/animal/soul sacrifice in their own ways and each believes theirs is the right way. Ooops shouldn’t ought to have said that Even if its true.
Really though I know a few Satanist and am related to a couple and they are welcome into my home as much as my friends and family from other religions. Show me and mine respect and you get respect.
Well, considering Jesus pointed to a crippled woman before curing her and said - “Satan has bound this woman for eighteen years” (Luke 13:16), I can’t see what there is about Satan to like…
Maybe you can tell us?
This is silly. He didn’t say “That Kind of Satanism that doesn’t really believe in Satan”. He said “Satan (devil-worshipper).” So…? What redeeming qualities does the devil have, that you think people who would worship it rate as high as any other religion? “Devil-worshippers, Jews, it’s all the same to me!”
Now, I would find that extremely insulting, and so should anybody else, except that I know why you said it. If you REALLY thought this guy was a devil-worshipper, you’d be worried for his three kids. Worried that he’d molest them, or eat their hearts, or something. But no. You’re assuming, as are most of you, that this guy is going to teach his kids not to smoke and to cover their mouths when they sneeze and not shop-lift same as the rest of us. If you REALLY thought this guy was a devil-worshipper, you’d never say his beliefs were on par with other religions. You couldn’t possibly be that dumb.
Why do you assume all these things? Because you assume he’s a bullshit poser, that’s why. And you know what? He probably is. Nevertheless, if you want to assume he’s a real devil-worshipper as he says, then you have to assume he’s a sick son of a bitch. Far as I can tell, I’m the only one treating him with a little bit of honesty, and taking him at all at his word.
=D> Someone give Ucc a prize. I did actually become quite fond of Doc. S. in the end, but only after I found out he was a bullshit poseur. (Sorry Doc.)
Hi everyone
Thanks for the replies. I have to say on the whole you dont seem a bad bunch (lol)
Now as to my religion well its not the run of the mill pentagrams and black mass stereotypical bad guy thing. this is how we worship.
Lucifer was an angel at one point and then got thrown out of heaven for being a bad boy. So there must have been some good in him at one point…Anyway we believe that jesus is who he says he is and one day he will return to earth and duke it out with our Master the big S. We believe our master will be triumphant and bring endless pleasures to those who follow him (Power, sex, money…all the good stuff) Any way we pray jsut as christians do and hold celebrations on certain days of the year. There is NO black magic, raising of demons, child sacrifice, spells,or corruption of the innocent. If someone wishes to follow the left hand path it is a choice they make freely.