New World Order

New World Order
Daniel J. Lavender

The “New World Order” is defined as a “secretly emerging totalitarian world government” ( system. It is often viewed as a system of the future.

That is precisely the issue.

Viewing the New World Order or global system as some future event, as something to be prevented, obscures the fact that the issue exists now.

The economy and government have been globally linked for decades. Look around. Anyone with any sense can easily observe this.

The economy is globally linked. Commerce is globally linked. Communication is globally linked. The internet is globally linked. Government is globally linked.

However many are stuck in the antiquated nation-state mentality. They are stuck in the old national philosophy. This is understandable, after all, many have much invested in it. Many fought wars to support it. Many died in its supposed defense.

Nevertheless the system is now globally linked. World leaders, perhaps better known as the global elite, are globally linked. Commerce, the economy, technology is essentially globally linked. But the actual people are not.

Many remain loyal to the old nation-state mentality. The commoners, the soldiers, the workers, the majority largely retain this mentality. However the global elite, the ownership and administrative class, have adopted a new global perspective. While the commoners were occupied in the mines, on the battlefields and in the offices the elite were busy crafting a new global infrastructure. They now operate on a global level while most others still operate on a national one.

Although the global system has been adopted it has not been announced. At least not overtly. For one, any public attempt to do so would be met with great hostility. As stated previously, many people have much invested in the old-world mentality. Thousands died in battle to preserve national sovereignty. For this reason and others the new global network is guarded and kept quiet amongst the global elite.

The global elite benefit greatly from this arrangement. The masses, stuck in the old nationalistic mentalities, view other nationalities as opponents, as enemies. The masses continue to compete amongst themselves, amongst their nations. These competitions are battles. Battles fueled by global corporations in the global economy. Warring nations require armaments, and those armaments are supplied by said corporations. At a price.

War is certainly profitable for the elite. It generates money for corporations and banks. But war also thins the global population leaving more resources for the victors. And the victors are always the global elite, those with enough wealth and administrative clout to avoid the tragedies of war altogether.

It’s analogous to the National Football League. The players, the soldiers, fight tooth and nail on the battlefield for survival while the owners, the global elite, watch comfortably from their air-conditioned booths. If the owners convinced the players not to compete would they make any money? Would they even have a league?

World leaders are effectively channeling this old-world, nationalistic philosophy to their advantage. Their new global network and perspective allows them to handily exploit those retaining the old nationalistic perspective. Not much theatre is required to maintain the ploy. Many are so entrenched in the old-world nationalism that they couldn’t be persuaded otherwise anyway.

World leaders act as though they are at odds, that’s part of the ploy. And in fact they do have slight skirmishes from time to time. However they are very much on the same page. Their effort is concerted. The masses, not so much.

The New World Order is not around the corner. Viewing the New World Order as such is the very issue, it is part of the strategy allowing it to succeed. It neutralizes meaningful action now by focusing on events in the future. The New World Order is already here.

Retaining the nation-state arrangement would retain the same old divisive problems. Conversely accepting a centralized, all-powerful global government would easily produce tyrannical results. The aim should be a global community of minimal government exalting the individual, not the group. It would promote freedom of the individual, responsibility of the individual and self-governance.

Note: The author does not prefer nor recommend Wikipedia as a reliable source. For purposes of this essay Wikipedia was used as Wikipedia often has the pulse of the people regarding such topics.

As we observed during the Corona panic of 2020-2021 governments around the world, upon drop of a hat, can cooperate and spread message of global unity and cooperation. Yet we still have military, we still have war and as a planet we continue to systematically prepare for conflict. It’s nonsense. All a show. Tribal instincts are being manipulated and exploited to the advantage of a few. People are being played for fools. Should be obvious now.

Globalism/globalization/the NWO is an ongoing process.
For the foreseeable future it’s more of a journey than a destination.
According to official history, we’ve been more or less globalizing for millennia.
Globalization took a few steps back during the collapse of the Roman empire.
At that time the vast majority of people on planet earth lived in 1 of 4 enormous empires; Roman, Persian, Indian and Chinese.

Modern globalization took off during the age of exploration and scientific revolution of the 16th and 17th century.
Then in the industrial capitalist revolution of the 18th and 19th century.
It’s industrial and postindustrial capitalism more than any other ism that’s responsible for modern globalization, not Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, Marxism, fascism or anarchism, particularly authoritarian, crony capitalism.
Consumerism, the pursuit of riches, safety and security rather than any form of collectivism is what’s brought people together, and if humanity continues to globalize it’ll likely be in pursuit of these things.

We’re at a point where nation states matter very little.
The ruling class, especially in the west, but all over the world too, are largely globalists, cosmopolitans.
They have no allegiance to race or creed.
Culture and laws are far more uniform now than they were even just a decade or two ago thanks to multinational corporations, mass media, NGOs and IGOs.

In my view, the next level of globalization is BRICS, not the west.
Just as the globalists largely control the west, they control the east and south too.
They’ve been spreading their wealth and power out, from the west to the east and south.
America and the west are no longer of central importance to them.

I think BRICS will be the first proper world government, the UN was just a prototype with little real power, the US routinely broke the UN’s laws.
I heard BRICS is planning on releasing its own currency soon backed by gold (at least initially it may be backed by gold) to rival the fiat-petro-dollar.
I heard dozens of countries want to join BRICS.
Even France has expressed interest in joining BRICS.
BRICS is holding a summit in South Africa this August.

5 more countries may join BRICS, Argentina, Egypt, Turkey, Iran and perhaps most notably Saudi Arabia.
If Saudi Arabia turns its back on the US by accepting payment for petrol in Yuan or the soon to be released BRICS currency, it’d be a massive, perhaps fatal blow to the American dollar as the world’s reserve currency.
The US dollar has been the world’s reserve currency since 1920, and before it the UK’s pound sterling from 1815 to 1920.
World reserve currencies don’t last much longer than a century.
The US dollar is likely on its last legs.

A lot of people who hate America and/or its government and what’s it’s been doing around the world, bombing countries left and right are looking forward to the demise of American hegemony, but the globalists invented modern Russia, India and China, built them up into what they are today, they dominate them too.
There may be only a handful of countries, so called ‘pariah states’ like North Korea they don’t dominate.
And so BRICS is no real alternative to American/globalist hegemony, just the next phase in globalist hegemony.
All these fools talking about this conflict between the west and east, it’s all nonsense, just like the fake conflict between woke and poopulism is.
These’re all just deflections/distractions/diversions for the masses to consume.

The key characteristics of this NWO we’re all living under are:
Authoritarian/Consumer/Crony Capitalism and Corporatocracy
Scientism and Technocracy
Globalism and Militarism
Mass and Social Media
The Security and Surveillance State

Other things like liberalism, democracy and progressivism, conservatism, republicanism and libertarianism, nationalism, poopulism and religion have little or nothing to do with the system, they may be masks the system wears to keep certain segments of the population loyal, or they may be used as a divide and rule tactic.

With the advancement of technology and the global expansion and integration of technological networks it seems globalization is only a natural conclusion of such activity. Certain affluent bodies are taking advantage of the stagnant and their deep-rooted traditions in midst of that process.

Popper’s “Open Society”
What can be created and held in the mind, in theory, as pristine perfection, is distant from what can be applied in the world in practice. This chasm between the ideal and the real has two ends: a cost, on the front-end, and consequences, on the back-end. If either end experiences a burden too great, relative to the intended or expected benefit, the structure collapses.
The “road to hell is paved with good intentions.”[size=50]{Sic.}[/size]

New World Order, code for Globalization, code for Americanisation.
The U.S. imposing its socioeconomic model on the world; a messianic project.

Americanism = culture-of-no-culture - culture but another product to be purchased and recycled; individualism (last man), men with no past, no nature, self-made using fashions and trends purchased on the markets; open borders - free flow of populations - except in one place - where populations are interchangeable since biological identifiers do not matter; open markets - free-flow of resources, products and services, including human resources; intersubjective detachment from objective reality - all forms of human intercourse, exchange of goods and services, are to be abstracted to an idea that can be modified at will by institutions - all forms of exchange including monetary and linguistic.

A gradual capitalistic alienation not only from the means of production but from reality itself.
Intersubjectivity implies reciprocity: every individual - stripped of his past, i.e., nature, ethnicity, heritage - enters a reciprocal agreement where the collective support him in his private reality, and he is expected to support them when immersed in their own private realities.

The world beyond America’s dominion - mostly the Anglo-Shere, dominated by Judeo-Puritanism ethics - is rejecting this nihilistic model.
China and Russia, sensing America’s decline and overextensions, is reacting.
Setting up a New New World Order, defined as multipolarity, challenging America’s unipolar Messianism.
All forms of human intercourse are returning to the tangible, physical, experienced world: Gold Standard, sex/gender.
Although the denial of race/ethnicity is maintained for pragmatic reasons: first they don’t want to alienate those that have the most to gain from standing against American hegemony and second the era we are entering is making nation-states obsolete, replaced by multicultural, multiracial, multiethnic Super-States, necessitating the couching of racial/ethnic biological categories within cultural diversity.

What is rejected in Americanism, other than its core principles listed above - is its ‘melting pot’ miscegenation project.
An alternative multipolar model maintains ethnic, cultural sovereignty - rather than assimilating and diluting blood and cultures into a uniform soup, it maintains and promotes distinction, preserving diversify as more than superficial appearances modifying an image.

In natural selection asserting dominance is taking advantage of one’s superiority.
A basic part of evolution. In postmodern nihilism the perspective of the inferior, the victim, is the only ethical perspective, therefore asserting dominance is considered “bullying,” adopting a feminine worldview, it can be “corrected” with “proper parenting,” and “by nurturing.”
A perspective, supporting my “Feminization of Man” hypothesis.
On global matters the assertion of Americanism power over the world is to be expected. From the world perspective this is “bullying,” but from the dominant’s perspective it is “taking advantage of a superiority.”
The irony is that Americanism, being rooted in Abrahamism and dominated by Jewish messianism and Mosaic ethnics, also claims the perspective of the bullied victim – “They cry out as they strike you.”
So, it is American conventional belief that the US is envied by a world that hates it for no reason at all, since it is a “benevolent force” that only strives to “better the world and set it free,” by asserting its model over the entire globe – because it is the most “ethical model” of all. This method of presenting itself as the pray – being taken advantage of by the world, as Trump put it – whilst maintaining its predatory tactics, is a method of predation that attempts to convince the prey to willingly sacrifice itself to the predator, without a struggle. This is, in fact, what happened to the Anglo-Saxons, and is now happening in Europe among the Francs, and the Germanics, and other tribes – referred to as cultural and ethnic suicide.
The prey is not necessarily slaughtered – not unless it resists – but is kept psychologically bound, fenced in by ethics it builds and maintains itself, so as to be constantly drained of its vital energies – husbandry, vampirism.

New, New World Oder

Replied here:

Industries, administrations build themselves up as administrators befriend each other. They meet, they smile, they dine together, they shake hands in front of the cameras. These administrative cohorts leave their subordinates in conflict, agitating them into further development: “The Russians, the Chinese are developing better technology and may invade and conquer!” While on the other side of the globe “The Americans are developing better technology and may invade and conquer!” The results are economic and technological bursts on all sides, people frantically organizing and constructing more, generating more revenue and providing advanced technologies for the ownership class in preparation of the perceived opposition. Essentially the subordinates are immersed in labor and conflict. That labor and conflict ultimately sustains and benefits the administrative, higher classes. After all are kings, are presidents, are industrial leaders walking the frontlines of battle? Are they laboring in the factories and fields?

And I replied Here: … 7#p2913639

Americanism has fallen victim to its own bullshyte.
Since for Americanism race and gender are social constructs, it is now forced to abide by its own lies and import sub-stadaerd populations to maintain its demographic issues caused, again, by its own lies…that “all men are created, and are created EQUAL”.

Until recently the US did not practice what it preached, importing immigrants from Europe and parts of Asia, that could replenish what brain power was being lost to miscegenation, hedonism and its degeneracy.
But no more.
Now the ‘race is a social construct’ and all populations are replaceable, because race is insignificant or a construct, will be put to the test.
It is already showing bad signs.
The US is unable to maintain its, once, technological advantage.

And with these insanity concerning Transgenders, things have gone from bad to worse.

Why all this reference to America?

This topic does not concern America exclusively.

You’re an American, aren’t you?

Because America is the proxy through which this global cabal is attempting to control the world.
America = Globalism
America is a creation of these elites, going back to the Civil War…Hollywood, & Media created modern America as it is.
They control it…and through US power they try to control the world.

The US has no ethnic identity and no culture to speak of.
It is a culture-of-no-culture, where pop-art is what passes for culture.
All sugar and food colouring and no nutritional value.

This is the model they want to impose on the world.
When they say ‘Globalism’ they mean the American model.

Americanism = culture-of-no-culture - culture but another product to be purchased and recycled; individualism ([size=80]last man[/size]), men with no past, no nature, self-made using fashions and trends purchased on the markets; open borders - free flow of populations - except in one place - where populations are interchangeable since biological identifiers do not matter; open markets - free-flow of resources, products and services, including human resources; intersubjective detachment from objective reality - all forms of human intercourse, exchange of goods and services, are to be abstracted to an idea that can be modified at will by institutions - all forms of exchange including monetary and linguistic.

I’m an individual.

So that wouldn’t be America, would it?

Globalism = Globalism.

And like all American you reject all collective identifiers, including race and gender.
Or are you more selective?

Yes, it would.
Those that funded the brits to defeat the French migrated to the British colonies where they set up shop.
The Anglo-Saxons became their primary proxies.
Americanism begins with Judeo-Puritanism.

Like I said…what we know as America is their construct.

And the socioeconomic model is…drum rollllllllll…
And you will not stop waging wars until the entire globe resembles America’s degeneracy.
You will be told it is for democracy and freedom.

Americanism = culture-of-no-culture - culture but another product to be purchased and recycled; individualism ([size=80]last man[/size]), men with no past, no nature, self-made using fashions and trends purchased on the markets; open borders - free flow of populations - except in one place - where populations are interchangeable since biological identifiers do not matter; open markets - free-flow of resources, products and services, including human resources; intersubjective detachment from objective reality - all forms of human intercourse, exchange of goods and services, are to be abstracted to an idea that can be modified at will by institutions - all forms of exchange including monetary and linguistic.

If we analyze each part separately, we can find the causes of America’s rise and its fall.
America is a ‘project’ an ‘experiment.’
It contradicted its own constitution during the Civil War. That’s when the roots of its Empire of Lies took root.
It attracted charlatans from across the world.

Imagine Star Trek.
All species form different planets can mate = miscegenation.

The problem is that technologies require innovation upkeep and upgrades.
When you dilute genetics the technologies crumble.

US is declining because it is losing the genetics that can maintain and improve their technological advantages.
It is also destroying the family as a source of human resources.
Importing inferior races cannot replenish the upper 10% IQ necessary to maintain and the upper 3% IQ required to improve.

Racial potentials differ primarily in upper 3% IQ.

The model is more like China.

Jordan Peterson indirectly offers a clue:
Jordan Peterson says what Turns Women On w/ Bill Maher
Keep in mind that these elites are matrilineal.
Their talent is with language - semiotics - and they use it to exploit and manipulate. They seduce.
Another affirmation of my Feminization of Man thesis.

Here are more hints:

Who runs the pornography industry in the US? Who runs Hollywood? Who owns American mainstream Media?
The entire system is hedonistic and pornographic.

Hypermasculine sold as cRap music, is an overcompensating symptom of emasculation…

American ‘individualism,’ and the destruction of traditional families “liberates” minds to then be given a systemic pop-cultural identity.

America’s lies - fictions - are sold around the world, inspiring desperate, lost souls.
The very idea of objective truth is no longer believed.

Christian Paradise in some ‘beyond’ is brought down and projected into an imminent future Utopia that never comes, because it is a fiction. A lie.
Hollywood and the Media are industries of fiction production and dissemination.
They sell lies.

America = Globalism
Sorry. O:)

Marxism is also their creation.
It was gradually overtaken by ethnonationalists that resisted American Capitalism.
Trotsky was assassinated because he advocated their version: globalism.
Perpetual revolution was meant to diminish resistance.

They hate Russia because it denied their plans twice: the first time with Stalin and now with Putin.
See them seething in your mainstream news?
What dogma identifies most of them?
Victoria Nuland, Athony Blinken…
Who are these neo-cons and where did they come from?
What about those "oligarchs’ that were supposed to take over Russian’s resources?

The political system does not matter to them.
Currently the US is becoming Marxist in all but name.
Capitalism is on the other side of the same coin Marxism is on.

Xi Jinping says China ready to ‘stand guard over world order’

Xi Jinping’s New World Order
Can China Remake the International System?