Nietzsche's Bitches

This is a psychological phenomenon that ought to be studied.
It has gone beyond personality worship and admiration and has some very distinct patterns.

It is pervasive among males of a certain age born and raised in specific cultures, and has minimal if any effect beyond it.
It is mind dominating, completely usurping every thought and word used to express it.
It is self-affirming. It requires its own mention to validate itself.

I have also enjoyed Nietzsche insights but was never so obsessed with him - or anyone for that matter.
Addictive personalities must be a component - obsessiveness.

Nietzsche was influenced by Schopenhauer and Wagner, and broke from both, as he grew older. This post-modern psychosis seems to linger well into middle-age.
Nietzsche was influenced by Indo-European philosophy and spirituality, predominately Hinduism and Hellenism, and we can see the influences in his use of language, his themes and the allegories he uses, but these traditions have components that go against modern ideological sensitivities, such as castes and slaves and attitudes towards women. This is covered by aphoristic triteness and literati cultural allusions, given that he was a professor of literature.
For me, Nietzsche’s greatest insights were on human psychology in a modern era of multi-cultural, urban, multiracial environments. I think this, as well as his antithesis to Schopenhauer’s melancholic pessimism, is the key to this psychological phenomenon.
One can almost hear Wagner’s heroic overtures as one reads Will to Power, evoking emotions that have been suppressed and muted by the necessities of modern living.
One can almost see young teenage boys of the past generation - not so much in this one - coming across Nietzsche’s philosophical prose, speaking of power and of human thinking, being completely awe-struck by the impact of his personality spilling out of his words, and with his the personalities of Wagner and Schopenhauer.

The poetics, returning us back to Hellenic methods of philosophizing in the agora, where ones words were evaluated not only for content but for style, returns us to past cultures that are romanticized by their exotic essence - so strange to a young man in these mundane times.
The method is Laconic, allowing the mind to find meaning in what is not said, just as much as he can find it in what is said. In fact, I think this is why he can be used by any dogma - did not the Nazis do so?
Allegories permit interpretations to run free, and Nietzsche was full of them.
His best work is poetic…just meditate over the phrase Will to Power and see where your emotions take you.
Schopenhauer’s Will to Life - from which he took his inspiration, is, by contrast, less masculine, more obvious. The word ‘power’ is the trigger.
And though it can be replaced by ‘energy’, it can also be replaced by the Hellenic ‘Eros’ a word used by the Greeks - replacing Ananke - to refer to existence. Just this change, alone, indicates a decadence that whispers a coming end. It may even be replaced by pathos, another exotic word, full of erotic innuendoes, that would trigger libidinal energies in teenage minds.
There are many factors…these are just some i could come up in a few minutes.
It’s a fascinating phenomenon.
I imagine such idol worshipping is part of pop-culture, and how many girls, young females, become obsessed with movie-stars and music stars or celebrities in general.
This is the feminine version of the above.
Although intelligence is also a part of it - simpler minds obsessing over more primal icons; more cerebral individuals, of both sexes, obsessing over intellectual icons.
I suspect that in the past this psychology must have been at work in the emergence of cults and religions - gifted rhetoricians preaching in the city-squares must have created quire a stir among the youth - was not Socrates condemned to death because of this? He too must have had quire an impact on the young men in Athens.
Youths gathering to hear the master speak…following him around, hanging from his every word, analysing it in groups, debating their deeper significance.
Was not Jesus - if he did in fact exist - such a figure?

We have some data to begin formulating a pattern.
We begin with the assumption that there is no absolute, therefore no man or woman is omniscient or omnipotent; is not a knower of all.

*Masculinity is one factor - of both sexes. Nietzsche triggers suppressed or developing masculine traits - ironically emasculating them, like a hero who frees slaves only to realize that they are now his minions.
The act of liberation from Modern emasculating ideologies has the effect of imprinting - like birds hatching from the egg.

*Youth is a factor. The age of impressionability, and vulnerability to external influences.

*An absence of a strong family structure - particularly a father-figure. This would have a different effect on young males than it would on young females. Both seeking an external alternative to what is absent or insufficient to inspire in them confidence and strength.
Fathers are connectors to a shared culture…so this absence is the absence of an anchoring.
We can appreciate what impact Nietzsche has on such minds, when he alludes to a ancient primordial anchoring.

*Urban environment, is a factor. absence of experience with nature, a child learns about it through proxies - television and books. Nature becomes a source of exotic forces - the common sense of a farmer, toiling with nature to produce tangible goods, is lost in artificiality. the process becomes a source of mysticism…the idea that underneath appearances an occult world exists - because in urban setting it does - covered by asphalt and pretences.
Any thinker that creates a contact with such primordial forces is like a shaman, possessing strange powers, strange knowledge offering power in a artificial environment promoting dependence.

Nietzsche style offers itself to multiple interpretation. It’s his aphorisms, that Doric ‘less is more’, that helps every desperate spirit fill in the gaps with his own needs/desires.

For Jews, his philosophy is an affirmation of their “survival at all costs”; for Marxists, another branch on the same ‘tree of lies’, Will to Power can be interpreted as ‘will to grovel’, or ‘will, from power’.
The proletariat is herd psychology, justifying the wearing of wolves clothing under the fluffy wool. An inverted inversion, where the hidden is really the true essence pretending to be a pretence.
What do they call it?
Reverse psychology?
My sheepishness will pretend to be a pretence, hiding my wolfish “true spirit”. hiding in the open.

But if a woman can claim to be trapped in a female body…there is no end to what levels of degeneracy desperation will tumble to.
Survival at all costs. Even at the cost of dignity.

A thinker who took what had already been said, and changed his attitude towards it, is now declared the pinnacle, the final stage of philosophy.
A mere shift in attitude, and nothing new added, at all.

We can only explain it as a by-product of the times - nihilism produces an equal and opposite reaction.
A child born into these life-negating, pessimistic, circumstances will grab upon anything that shines, like a beacon in the dark stormy seas.
“You will survive, because what does not kill you only serves to make you stronger…” it will say, and this will spark hope that this adversity is but a step towards a new land, that will be revealed with the dawning of a new day.
Desperation given such hope will become imprinted by the source…as a messiah offering eternal life to mortals.

Without doubting the genius of the man one has to look into this level of adulation, reaching a religious-like worshipping.
An inspirational mentor, like a good father, inspires his children to surpass him, not to remain in his shadow.

Here we must seek the source of this obsession in the followers themselves.
A patten is revealed. A pattern that says something more than about a specific philosophy. It reveals a lack, a decline, a need, produced by a system…a meme.
The philosopher’s philosophy offers a hint. He is the antithesis to that which becomes addicted to what is missing in themselves, or what they cannot find from any other source.

It approaches a religious like adulation, due to the decline of Abrahamism which he contributed to.
The liberator is then a master over those he liberates. This is a typical psychological occurrence.

Recall Fight Club?
The men he rescues begin to worship him as a messiah.
I believe this is closely related to Abrahamism and the messianic psychology it cultivates. The liberator is a god - he chooses to give them choice, and then they surrender it to him because they do not know how or are afraid to take responsibility.
It’s how capitalism produced capitalists…the ones willing to take the risks.
Here we have the one who is willing to take responsibility…and they surrender their choice - freedom - because they cannot.

Nietzsche gives the final blow to the Abrahamic one-god and the followers begin to worship him as the replacement of Jesus.

Another factor which I have found to be true more often than not, is the absence of a father figure…or a weak one. No connection to a heritage.
with no connection to a past you can imagine what impact the heroic words of Nietzsche had on their impressionable minds. He connects them to a pre-Socratic heritage, and they suck it up like thirsty pups at their mother’s teet. All that hunger for something substantial becomes a prerequisite for addiction/obsession.

Can’t find the exact Fight Club scene…but it’s when one of the men dies and he is buried and called by his real name - women who dies at birth were also honoured in this way.
Like Spartan warriors who died in battle were the only ones who were buried with their names engraved on a headstone. All other Spartans were buried anonymously.


It’s when Tyler realizes he has to destroy civilization. He frees men from the system but not from the weakness - dependence - the system has ingrained in them.
A ignoble spirit, like one suffering from the messianic complex - narcissism and schizophrenia - would exploit this and make of himself a cult leader…but Tyler, being a representation of nobility, is disgusted, and disheartened by it.
This is exactly what happened between Nietzsche and men-children born and raised in a post-modern, post-Abrahamic, post-Marxist, post-truth era- i.e., nihilistic.
Lost children desperate and degenerated.

The inferior mind’s inability to relate to the superior and to think of it as magical, is also exploited by astrology, palm reading, Tarot card reading, and every superstition ever devised by man…including Abrahamism.

The needy mind has to substitute one superstition with another, because it cannot exist in a mystifying world that makes it feel anxious. By converting it to magical, it brings it closer - makes it less of a source of anxiety. It can now hope to appease it, in some way…to surrender to it, expecting rewards of power and pleasures unimaginable to those who cannot submit to the mysterious.
Helplessness becomes a sense of empowerment.
The incomprehensible superior is now something it can hope to charm, or reach an agreement with, and it will shower it with great gifts of incomprehensible superiority.

Back to the subject.
Nietzsche is incomprehensible to most…and to make him more comprehensible the mediocre mind dumbs-him down to a level he can comprehend, or it mystifies him, projecting magical meanings where non-exist…to combine and synthesize in the confusion a desirable ideology.
Participially writers with a bit of artistic flare, lends themselves to such corruptions.
Poets, for example, are prime examples of this. The language remains insinuating, sometimes so vague as to lend itself to any incineration. The reader projects into the poem his own needs/desires, and believes he is communing with the poet, that the poet was speaking to him; that he was, somehow, chosen by the poet to send a message in allegorical form, so that only you can decipher it.
This sometimes happens with celebrities…the deranged mind believes the actor is sending messages to him, through the role she or he is preforming. He believes there’s an imitate bond…between them.

Taking into account what a father means to the development of a child, we can assume in this obsession and worship of an icon - such as Nietzsche - an absence.
The child either idolizes or demonizes what is missing from his/her life - from his/her experiences.

The absent is always inflated or deflated by a psychology that has to real reference to limit its imagination.

Imprinting works to fill in the gaps.
A mind identifies with the first source of what is absent from its field of experiences and it senses as a unknown need/desire that it cannot gratify.
Addiction/Obsession is the search for gratification in whatever promises fulfilment of this unspecified absence.

Nietzsche fits all the criteria of a surrogate father-figure. He connects lost minds to a forgotten past, giving them a source of identity beyond the superficial world of the immediate; he offers guidance concerning humans and their true essence, helping the child understand a human dominated environment, beyond pretences; and he inspires men-children to be all that they can be, urging them to surpass even his authority over them.
All parental factors in the development of a child.

The last I have spoken about.
The ritual of ascent into adulthood cannot be completed when the parental figure is absent.
The ideal cannot be surpassed, because nothing real can ever measure up to a mental construct - whether it is sanctified or vilified.
An immature psychology is trapped in a state of retarded psychological development - the state of perpetual adolescence, continuous rebelling again the father-figure it never had, or trapped in a continuous idealization of him.
Everywhere it turns the father looms large - in church , in state, in every abstraction and institution.

As Vernaeke says in his lecture (#23), there is not a one Nietzsche, but different Nietzsche’s for and against.
His Thus Spake Zarahtustra is written in the style of the Bible, which is a copy of Oracle Delphic decrees, also imitated by Nostradamus.
There’s a Nietzsche for the Jews, one for the Nazis, another for post-modernists, another for pagans…
He is a commentary on other thinkers, beginning with Schopenhauer. His greatest contributions are his psychological insights into how nihilism will express itself in a post-modern world.
He appeals to the lost and the desperate for guidance in a world where traditions have all but become a product, like everything else.
In the absence of spiritual content he inject romanticism with a pagan flare, and confronts emasculation - feminization - as one who has first-hand experience, insinuating strength and masculinity by emphasizing words like ‘power’, and ‘will’.
He attracted the psychologically vulnerable with his profound insights into human psychology in a post-industrial age, teaching boys the fine arts of empathy, that are innately practised by females.

The best think about being one of Nietzsche’s many bitches is that the pasha is dead and he cannot reject any of his self-assigned concubines.
The harem requires no eunuch, because it is populated by them.

With no god, and no fahter-figures, and with the past rejected - one’s own ancestors and ancestry denied, slandered, dismissed…there’s nothing to identify with other than trends and fashions - market forces where the messiah, i.e., money, rules- and popularity - the other becoming the only source of self-identification. Herd psychology. Man is nothing outside the herd…and the bigger the herd the more substance the individual gains.
But it does not suffice, so drugs and degeneracy follow.
Desperation leads to degeneracy…hedonism unleashed, as a distraction…from a world they find unendurable.
Narcotics and alcohol can only numb the awareness of the void - felt as a longing that cannot be fulfilled; a longing with no source and no objective.
The Last Man is born.

If Nietzsche is incomprehensible to most then how could he possibly be so appealing to men-children? That men-children project meanings on Nietzsche where they don’t exist is no slight against Nietzsche and this phenomenon (which isn’t even that widespread… if anything it’s just a passing fancy of those that pass over Nietzsche) should not somehow dissuade individuals from seriously studying Nietzsche.

I actually think Nietzsche is a lot less popular among youth then he seems to be.

How could someone psychologically vulnerable possibly be attracted to Nietzsche?


In the same way Nostradamus or astrology is appealing to the average moron; in the same way the oracle of Delphi was so effective for so long; in the same way the bible is still effective.

Among the pseudo-intellectual youth above the average IQ…he is an idol.
Among primal morons, Tupac fits the role.
A bit above average…you go one way…a bit below it…and you go the other way.

Easy…in the same way a hyper-masculine one-god attracts emasculated males and women.
Order attracts/seduces chaos.

It has to do with Weininger’s formula, adjusted by self-esteeem.
Opposites attract…when self-esteem is low; when it is high then similarity attracts.

Yeah I disagree… I just don’t think he’s popular like that… Even in college in actual philosophy courses, there’s an extremely small minority of students that are actually serious about Nietzsche… most just try to get through it because it’s required reading…Even the professors themselves that TEACH Nietzsche aren’t that devoted… There is still not anything close to what I would call a comprehensive study of Thus Spoke Zarathustra. Nietzsche is barely talked about HERE, a philosophy forum… There isn’t even one active forum on the internet devoted to Nietzsche! WHERE are all these pseudo-intellectual idol worshipers at?

What about on-line?
Rebels that are claiming to be unconventional free-range wankers?

So, you are saying that Nietzsche is losing his appeal…falling from idol status?

How about this…
When the dullard is exposed to how he used this icon to remain committed to his herd-psychology and to validate his worship of Abrahamism…he lost his appeal.

When crypto-Jews attempted to integrate him into Kabbalism to create a new more viral variant of Abrahamism, and failed to produce his effect…he lost his appeal.
When those who reject free-will realized Will to Power returned them to Abrahamism…he lost his appeal.

It doesn’t help when there are goat’s, like me, who make fun of them.
Back in the day…everyone was talking about Nietzsche.
His words were like scripture. All you had to do is mention him in a quote and you won the debate.
There are still some here who cannot stop talking about him.
True, he’s fallen out of favour recently, but that’s because most realized how this contradicted the master’s insights…an how faggish it is to be sucking on a dead man’s dick month after month.
How slavish…how degrading.
No man, alive or dead, is a god. He may be genius but not divine.


Nietzsche is now being selectively reinterpreted and assimilate into a new more viral form of nihilism.
Abrahamism 2.0

Reading the subtext in the context…