Nihilism: The understanding that all values and judgements are arbitrary and nonsensicle. Everything has no meaning, and no purpose.
Does life have a purpose?
For me Nihilism was an unavoidable inevitability that is also an unavoidable struggle. Nihilism has shown its face to me, and now I have to struggle to accept it. I would like to think that I’ve accepted nihilism and the fact that i’m worthless, and that I don’t matter, but it is admittidly hard to do. It goes beyond my purpose though, it goes on to the fact that nothing matters, and everything is worthless.
For Neitzsche(the optimist) the way to overcome this, and avoid becoming me, avoid become the last man, was to create purpose for yourself. For Neitzsche the Ubermensch was the only way out of Nihilism, and the idea of Eternal reocurrance.
But I don’t accept that, I think that is ultimately the result of Nietzsche’s weakness. His inability to accept the fact that Nihilism is an inevitiability for all atheists, and that their is nothing wrong with that. His inability to accept the fact that even an overman is still bound by nihilism. His inability to accept the fact that even the overnman does not matter. Nietizsche theorized the time when I would come(the last man), but he also said I am pathetic, and simply a brigde to the ubermensch. And I think Neitzsche is wrong. Their is no Ubermensch, their is no bridge, and eternal reocurrance is a noble idea, but so was the categorical imperative. Sure it would be nice to live life like you would if you had to do it over for the rest of eternity, but that changes nothing. Life is still worthless, and we’re all left with an emty feeling in the pit of our stomach.
Is their purpose? Is nihilism an inevitiability? Do we all have to accept Nihilism? Can the Ubermensch ovecome Nihilism? Does Eternal Reoccurance change anything? Is the Last man and inevitiability, that will bring about the Ubermensch?
All moral systems tend to become more and more rational over time…Compare our current system to what we had 100 years ago…Their is much less tradition, and a much more rational system…Moral systems will continue to become more and more rational untill they are pure ration…It is the natural progression of western morality…Once the morality of our society has evolved as far as it can, it will be based purely off the rational, and logic/experience…Once it is based off that, Nihilism will quickly follow.