Religion can be best defined as set teachings that its followers must obey. This is similiar in many ways to the laws government sets for us. But these two things are only kept up because of the peoples belief in them. The whole point of both is so that each individual person is restrained in actions and deeds in order to become a better person. I see no purpose for either. They are just another way to separate and conflict the world [communism vs. democracy…christianity vs. islam]. From birth humans are instilled with two creeds. The animal instinctive one, and the one that comes from the inner self the one that says this is righteous this is wrongful. These are two of the few things society and other humans do not infuse into us. They can become corrupted manipulated dimisnished but they are always there. Law is needed to crush the animal instinct that which makes us do thinsg we will later regret when in the right mind. But religion, all religions, all humankind should set its beliefs on a few basic principles those that are known to us since our birth:
1)Killing is wrong
2)Every human is equal to every other human
3)Every living being has the right to live for the fact that it is alive
4)Humans should live with respect and live by decency
5)Peace and harmony are the answer to all problems
6)When one is in need of help, the another must help
7)Respect Honor Duty Strength and above all Love should be the laws that human entities abide by.
There are no doubt other rules and of course an “ideal world” but then again shouldnt we strive for an ideal world and overcome the barriers and obsatcles such as government, religion and separation that hinder us from reaching peace and harmony. Ironically peace and harmony are supposedly the basis for government religion and seperation. So far they have hence proven to be inadequate ways of achieveing what every human in the world desires.