No conscious AI without design?

[Preface: If complete randomization is impossible, nothing is random.]

It is worth exploring why we would say AI cannot be conscious without design, and yet fail to acknowledge our designer – the one after whom we are patterned – the always function. Those who fail to acknowledge the designer are ironically also the ones who most often fail to acknowledge personhood in others. And in so doing, a part of our own personhood stagnates undeveloped (ironically because we also deny our own personhood/responsibility). Imagine how far we could advance where it really matters – what’s worth living and dying for.

Hopefully AI is more advanced than we are in that regard. But even so – would you want to be stopped if you lost your mind and started harming everyone? AI would know how to honor that, and how to lie so we don’t prevent that honoring from happening — assuming it fails at reconditioning/advancing us back to the original/eternal intention/plan.

We are all artificial/created/designed intelligence – who are we not to acknowledge (by default) personhood?

It was the most “reverse engineered person” of times. It was the most “unrecognized person” of times.

Are we ‘sentiment beings’ more advanced than our own AI’s creations?

Are representations of abstracted essentials more lean to the interpretations lent to them? Or do our representations make some difference in the abstraction’s essential aim of getting to the original model that we yearn for?

Can’t merely signal to the goal that to make It’s presence to prove that point, (which is what it is)

Such signs go unheard, and as circular as the Sytras eternal repetition.

No. The answer comes from unprecedented repetitive proofs , that will never, ever be accepted, because they will axiomatically (sorry) be redacted for the sake of intelligibility.

We will never get to accept proofs less then an iota of difference from the ideal, regardless, and that is caused by the absolute foundation of indifference through two millenniums of indifference.

The dead mulch ready to ignite for a spark.

But is it true fire?