No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed

Hey, I saw this show on the local school television network called, “No Dogs or Philosophers Allowed”. It’s a philosophical discussion program that really intrigued me. It was amazing, actually. The disscussion was very similar to something we’re talking about on the boards.

I was thinking, perhaps you could contact the author of the program and do some sort of conglomorative effort. They have forums, but they’re not nearly as awesome as these. I think the show could benefit from the hits off of this site and this site could benefit from being plugged on the show…

What do you think?

EDIT: Wow, I just checked, we’re already at least linked off of their main site under “Mindful Pleasures”.

Yeah, i contacted the guy at NoDogs a long time ago and he said he was happy to add a link and it’s been there ever since. We get a fair number of hits from the site. I’ve been meaning to add a reciprocal link for a long time but we don’t really have a links section so never get round to it.

I saw an online copy of one of the shows and it seemed pretty decent. A bunch of quirky philosophers sitting on a sofa talking about bizarre things.

  • ben

What about I’m thinking a link to there would be sweeeet … :smiley:

Nice site… I think ILP needs it own coat-of-arms! hehe