Obama Signs Executive Order Giving Him Pretty Much All Power

In a stunning move, on March 16, 2012, Barack Obama signed an Executive Order stating that the President and his specifically designated Secretaries now have the authority to commandeer all domestic U.S. resources including food and water. The EO also states that the President and his Secretaries have the authority to seize all transportation, energy, and infrastructure inside the United States as well as forcibly induct/draft American citizens into the military. The EO also contains a vague reference in regards to harnessing American citizens to fulfill “labor requirements” for the purposes of national defense.

Not only that, but the authority claimed inside the EO does not only apply to National Emergencies and times of war. It also applies in peacetime.

The National Defense Resources Preparedness Executive Order exploits the “authority” granted to the President in the Defense Production Act of 1950 in order to assert that virtually every means of human survival is now available for confiscation and control by the President via his and his Secretaries’ whim.

link is in my link thread.

I already made a thread about it. sticks out tongue :stuck_out_tongue:

Sneaky silent way of declaring passive martial law, huh?

It’s only silent if people are silent about it.

Shit. That’s a bad sign for y’all.

When presidents do that, they bring da ruckus.

Wheres your link thread?

My link thread is your power to google, my friend.

But also,


I really can’t respond to this without having more information–like the identification number of the executive order or an official link; but, unless I’m really faulty about my American political history, hasn’t every President given himself power to attempt to correct a bunch of snafus he sees as snafus because Congress–or its ruling party–has a different agenda?

I’m asking the older people here (can I do that? Are there any?) who,in any way, remember FDR and what he did to re-build America and its failed economy as a result of the Great Depression?–Didn’t he do that mainly through Executive order? What executive orders did Truman, Eisenhower, or Kennedy sign? Then there’s Johnson, Nixon, Ford, Carter, and Reagan. Finally, there’s Bush I, Clinton (I know he signed executive orders,) Bush II (he did, too) and our current president, Barack Obama. It might be worthwhile to research the various executive orders and how long they actually have lasted once the then current crisis was ameliorated by executive order.

I agree, stuff like this isn’t exactely “new”.

whitehouse.gov/the-press-off … eparedness

It is new considering the executive order national defense resources preparedness can be declared even through times of peace if the government finds any reason to do so for national defense measures.

I didn’t read most of that because it sounded like old person droning. To sum it up: this matters now because Obama has the infrastructure for actually taking over, and of you trust I know what I’m talking about, that is the intention of the people backing him.

Isn’t your main thesis in life : ‘The government has already enslaved everyone’ ? What then remains to be taken over?

You can’t have your cake and eat it. Either the government controls everything or the government is plotting to control everything. Either we are slaves and there is nothing left to fear or we are free and we should be afraid, but being free we can control our fate.

Touchy, touchy.

Btw, the executive order only makes our enslavement to government official. Welcome to the prison planet bitches!

The cake is a lie.

The psuedo “war on terror” has merely allowed what was always true de facto to become more openly so de jure.

As for the reaction of the man [and the woman] on the street, I believe John Lennon once encompassed that:

Keep 'em doped with religion and sex and tv
And they think they’re so clever and classless and free
But they’re still fucking peasants as far as I can see

Sounds about right.

But I’m sure when we elect Rick Romney this Fall, all of that will…change?

Haha! Well said.

Fuck the cake! If I get hungry enough I will steal some aristocrat’s turkey leg out of their mouth.

Isn’t that counterproductive? All the propaganda, lies and hidden conspiracies are working perfectly well so why bring it out in the open by making it official? It could endanger the entire project without gaining any more control.

In having total control what is the point of keeping it secret?

Having total control how could you keep it secret very long?

Besides they know that ninety five percent of the village idiots that comprise society will not do anything in rebelling at the moment.

Do you see any large public outcry presently? Of course not.

It is not like they have anybody to challenge them.

It is a win win for them either way even after declaring everything officially.