Obscure Trivia: Vol I

hey kids its that time again.

cue cheesy music…

its Obscure Trivia, and today we are going to play, “Who the heck said that?!”

here goes, and remember, your a cheater if you use a search engine! :laughing:

“Glory is fleeting, but obscurity is forever.”

you have two days to comply. end of message.
(man it appears that i am having trouble spelling tivia! hmmm…)

Robert E. Lee?

naw, shorter…



betrayed by my very own words… till next time smooth.

tune in next week kiddies. same bat place same bat ti… err nevermind

I got one!!

Who said, “The Empire’s of the future, will be the Empire’s of the Mind.” Now Obscure, you are out of this one since we discussed this man in my room the other night. Same rules apply, no search engines. You have two days. End of message.

oh come on. everybody knows that martha stewart has illogical views on the worlds’ future governments. i mean, only an idiot like her would say that we would build a superior, all inclusive system within our noggins…

hopefully she isnt an avid philosopher and posts @ ilp.com

Whatever locke_key. :confused:

The answer was Sir Winston Churchill

Who said that?

okay there freak! Nobody out here is going to know that, it was Cheech who said that.