Official: Post a Picture of Yourself


Now I gotta tie some knots to me titties to get them nice and perky for y’all?

Alright, the judges are ready standing by at the table. Present them. :laughing:

Judges ready.

Now you’re talking! Let’s see em!

Cmon baby, let me see them buns. Shake’em.

We have an internet forum tease here, she’s essentially cancelled the internet entertainment for the week.

Such a tease without showing any goods per her own offer. :sunglasses:

I even set aside some popcorn for the occasion, a wasted effort on my part. So disappointing… :sunglasses:

You first!

I got the lube in the double boiler

Sure you are… :sunglasses: Promises, promises.

The “popcorn” allusion is an oldie but still a goo…nah, it’s old.
Fall back for no creativity. Trying to imply indifference.
Like “nobody cares maaaan”

So many crazies declaring that they’re philosophies will change the world, and she never told them that.
I guess she didn’t even care enough to tell them the WORLD - which she represents - did not care.

Insinuation of ‘old’ - as in ‘old man’ - as a way of, patronizing and ‘hurting’ says enough about where her wounds are.
Notice how she shut up when the Joker called her old.

Nah I never shut up. It’s a birth defect. I was born a woman BA DUM TISH.

this is pseudo-science. it also cannot confirm that the data is causally consistent rather than just correlated.

the proper scientific method would be to produce a controlled experiment which would give us the opportunity to record the frequency of phoneutria’s posts. we would then determine the average amount of time between posts within a given parameter. we would document that number.

next we would produce a series of responses to her posts and watch for any deviation in the average phoneutria-response-time we’ve documented in ordinary circumstances. if we observe a significant change in this frequency, we may advance the inference that something we’ve said has causally affected her average response time.

but here’s the problem. we cannot be aware of all the variables affecting her response time (washing machine stopped, telephone call from work, enormous wild brazilian jungle lizard enters her house, noodles are done, favorite TV show just came on, etc.), so we would not be able to prove a causal relationship between our responses and her’s, and our hypothesis would advance nothing but a conjecture of correlation.

now of course aegean would like to believe her increased response time resulted directly from taking some offense to the ‘you’re old’ comment, but he’s no scientist. just a garage philosopher and psychologist. so we need not be alarmed.

That, or you could, like, ask me.

Are you implying men don’t know in the first place?

We all know what’s going on here, don’t we boys and girls. So, please, pick one. :wink:

LOLZ!!! Well played, Biggs.

The sexting rituals of male philosophy forum members.

Imma jerk off.


You fools.

A little decency and we might have a likeness of the lady.