Concordant, what exactly do you mean when you say you are uniformed?
Max Patch is a place in the Blue Ridge/Appalachian Mts. in North Carolina. From the top, you can see Tenn. and other areas of NC. I think God’s natural beauty is too tame and toned down of a word to describe the sight and feeling you see and have when reaching the top!
sorry it was a spelling error. I meant to write uninformed.
Thank you for clarifying that. I thought Max Patch was the name of a play written by someone named forest. It makes a great deal more sense now.
I live in a city, and unfortunately that sort of natural equinimity you speak of is rare. In fact it hardly exists at all. I cant even recall the last time I beheld natures quiet beauty.
Forest was a 16 month old boy and Dean was his father. They were rolling in the fresh hay of Max Patch. The sight of the family with their dog and there openness on the mountain top and my conversation with them was a much needed experience for me and from it came the poem.
It sounds like a wonderful expirience. Thank you for explaining it.
What do you mean with the last line, “and God consumed”? Do you mean it in the sense that you had become one with God, through a coupling or something like that. Or did you intend to mean something else entirely?
There was no physical coupling and it was not through some medium that I experienced oneness with God. I simply felt ecstasy and clarity on the mountain which was uncontrollable, which led to me trying to express the experience in the statement of God consumed.
Umm…now looking back at this, maybe my perception/feeling of God’s consumption of me was only a signal of my lack of power and only alluded to a glimpse of the possible energy that an individual may know.
We all live within the moment, each one expirienced through differing degrees of clarity and power, striving for a consummation of desires, our concious beliefs, which find substance through what we seek.
“Umm…now looking back at this, maybe my perception/feeling of God’s consumption of me was only a signal of my lack of power and only alluded to a glimpse of the possible energy that an individual may know.”
I agree that it probably was just a glimpse, but then if it was, what is power, and what is this possible energy? Is it a path to ultimate sincerity. An attempt to lead each moment fully, and to walk away with something of true value each time. Or is it even more extreme than that?
And for what it is worth, I have taken vitamins and or herbal extracts that are supposed to help facilitate mental clarity twice in the past, and both times, after a period of about two weeks of taken the suggested dosage, I did in fact notice a positive result. Whether it was a placebo effect or the substance working, or a mixture of both, I couldnt say, but if you have never tried it you might find it beneficial. vitamin B12 and ginkoba? ginko bilboa? it was something like that. If you want I can figure out.
“Yes, please let me know what sort of extacts/vitamins you took to improve your mental clarity!”
The first time I tried it, I took Ginko Bilboa, Ginkoba is I think a seperate manufacturers name for the same substance, but that was over 6 years ago or so, but I do remember it working to some degree. About a year and a half ago I started taking vitamin B12, and after a certain amount of time the effects it had on me were slightly striking. I was able to recall phone numbers more efficiently (in a normal state I have a horrible memory when it comes to phone numbers) and I also noticed that I had a better ability for communication. I recalled words with greater ease. If you do decide to take vitamin B12 I feel obligated to warn you that it has the effect of making your urine bright yellow and it increases body odor. Not that those should dissuade you from trying it, but I thought I’d warn you just in case.