One Year Anniversary of PoR

Is PoR worse or better having spent one year here?

  • I think ILP would be better without that flaming Catholic Nazi!
  • I think PoR has come to learn a few things during his time here so far.
0 voters

This is the first post PoR made on ILP one year ago today, well…plus a number of hours. Not quite a prominent begining, especially when it’s at 3:27 am (if this is eastern time, then the actual time in Sydney is ten hours ahead at 1:27 pm in the afternoon). Whatever it was that sparked this person to join ILP on Sept. 7th, 2004, this post certainly shows that at the very least, PoR was interested in the idea of Communism.

This is sort of in bad taste - is it a joke? You might want to make it clear if so.

Yeah it’s a joke… but at the same time it’s a celebration of the existence of PoR, for without him, chances are, we would have less opportunities to step on people who sound dumber than they play themselves out to be.

…and to commemorate this wonderful joke, I offer some early quotes of PoR…


Some more gems from the Early POR Collection;

*may or may not be a real POR quote



PoR vs relativity:

You realize people, the world is such a perverse place, that were PoR to write a book - it would become an instant best-seller… :astonished:

Humans eh…? Go figure…

Well Tab… think about it for a second… the world acknowledges that Hitler was one messed-up loon, and yet, his book still sells today…

…this would be no different…

Analysts by the thousands will be studying PoR’s work, like Hitler’s, trying to understand the level of incompetence and insanity in the pages of his book. However, there are many who, like myself, will pick up PoR’s book, and like myself when I picked up Hitler’s, will only read a few paragraphs here and there before putting back on the bookshelf and calling it inane lunacy.

hi all,

ironically, it is my sworn enemy Sagesound who actually remembered my anniversary, which I myself have forgotten, entirely. it is just as ironic that on my aniversary, I wrote,


If people read some of my earlier posts, they’ll find my battle with ‘Whitelotus’ in ‘God and Gay’, ‘PFloyd’. both of whom I have vanquished. they make interesting read, of course, I wasn’t as sharp as I am now. I was busy with my book the past couple of days. also I bought for $60 a copy of Mein Kampf.

Edit: I brought controversy to ILP, and made it into a better place.

I have written an ode to you, Pinnacor - for you are awesome.

Show us the Way, Pinnacor.
Show us the way to Truth.
Lead us out of the cave, into the sunlight.
Bath us in pearly, Aryan wisdom.

Let us delight in your glory, oh great Pinnacor.
Relieve us of all our worries.
Turn our frowns, upside down.
Grant us the joy of True Happiness.

Forgive us our meagre intellects, you Giant man, you.
Suffer us to sit, transfixed, at your marble white knee.
Pierce our souls with your cold, longing, wandering blue eye.
That single, big, fat juicy eye.

Bestow upon us your steel-tongued wisdom, you gallant, soldier-sage.
Make us tremble beneath the weight of a million arguments.
Or just one argument, repeated a million times.
It doesn’t even matter.

Show us the meaning of that great book, which is called ‘life’.
Or, at least, show us the meaning of that other book, which is called ‘Mein Kampf’.
Or write us a book, and show us the meaning of that.
I’ve ordered it in advance.

Pinnacor the Reasonator; disperser of all fogs,
crusader for transparent nudity…
Intellectual pornographer.
Hero to us all.

God only knows what the next year will bring. :slight_smile:



Makes a good point, he does, #2.


I would never have thought of disputing that fact.



this thread is a tribute to you, you’ve earned it.

$60 for a $5 book? :astonished:

After reading your contribution on a Body/Happiness thread over in Philo (I think that’s where it is), last night, I now move you to the “ILP of interest” list, and will devote time to reading your published thoughts.

where can you get the book for $5. I am interested to know.

Pinnacle of Reason. Sat Sep 10, 2005 6:22 am.

I s’pose that’s not a very kind thing to say. But I’d rather be a little bastard, a kind little bastard than a… “flaming Catholic Nazi,” was it? Besides… take a look at the word “bastard.”

1223, “illegitimate child,” from O.Fr., “child of a nobleman by a woman other than his wife,” probably from fils de bast “packsaddle son,” meaning a child conceived on an improvised bed (saddles often doubled as beds while traveling), with pejorative ending -art. Alternate possibly is that the word is from P.Gmc. *banstiz “barn,” equally suggestive of low origin. Not always regarded as a stigma; the Conqueror is referred to in state documents as “William the Bastard.” Figurative sense is from 1552; use as a vulgar term of abuse for a man is attested from 1830. Bastardize “debase” is from 1587.

They should have a picture of Jesus next to the word bastard in the dictionary.

Aware of the terminology thank you Pxc - more apalled at the mentality behind the choice of phrasing. I’m not ILP’s nicest person myself, but even I draw the line at abusing someone’s kid.

Yeah… I’d say that’s one of the cruelist things you could do with your words, or at least the most “offensive.” I suppose the only thing I would really consider offensive is a direct insult. Plus, not only did PoR insult your kid, but it seemed to me like he insulted you and your wife. And please, don’t capitalize my username. It looks funny. lol. And if I remember right from the photos thread in mundane babble, your kid is pretty cute :wink: .

I learned while working with retarded people that not all insults are insults.

If the innocent, yet cantankerous, Down’s Syndrome man named Johnny calls you a fucking shit face it’s really not the same as if your mom called you that.

Can we all see the wisdom in this?