Only truth can see, everything else is blind.
You can only give love, and get everything else.
Everything that have beginning and the end is just Illusion, including God.
There are only two Dimensions without beginning and the end ,
Truth and Love .
God is everything, and there is only One person that knows everything.
Words “concept”,“God”,“religion”,“christian” are created by a Man, not
that “One”
All I’ve said is called truth, it is not mine,and it is not a “concept”, it is
a dimension.
You’re from London , I used to live in 47 Rupert St. Soho,by the Queens
Theater,beginning of Soho Market, when you enter Rupert from Shaftesbury Av. ( I’ve run into Sir Peter O’Tool once, getting out of my Flat)
South Kensington,High Street Kensington,Earls Court aswell
Holy Trinity will cease to exist, pretty soon, when" the End " Happen’ "
Because it is going to be only “Him”(what we use to call Son of God, or Jesus) and “Us”
You suppose to show me respect in Any case, Geezer
Earl Grey is my favorite Tea, that I pour boiling water over,wait 4 minutes,
take the bag out, add one teaspoon of sugar, some creamer and drink.
What are Drugs ??
And who are You ?
It couldn’t happen’ any other way, I guess, because you have “relative”
My English sucks, and it’s very limited, but all I can tell you is, that
truth and love are all I got, I call it my life, It is Real, and it is not fragment of
my Imagination.
I don’t know everything, but what I know is truth, and I can proove It
Sorry, my bad, Angels don’t have gender, so I have assumed
I got 2 go 2 work, but I can tell You right now, if You want 2 "feel’ me,
read Acts 2 : 17 - 21, but focus on 17
You may understand that for example Matrix trilogy is just true vision
of 2900 years old Prophecy by geezer called Joel. Joel 2 : 28 - 32
Because(Holy) Trinity’ve loved Neo so much, that she had to die.Innit
Not understud,
What you want me to proove ? That my life is True ?
I mean if is not, you wouldn’t be reading this, right now.
Got to go, talk to you soon.
much “time” !
I feel like I’m in an episode of 'Life Aquatic with Steve Seezoo".
My own interpretation was that Trinity was there to support Neo. She could only do it if she truly loved him - Benevolence - She sacrificed herself, not because she had to die, but because of her benevolence (true nature). In other words, reveal our true nature. We all have our own roles because of our affinities that we play. Although the purpose of the ONE is to help awaken sentient beings - we are all ONE and if our sacrifice comes from our heart, it is not a sacrifice at all. Is sacrifice not simply giving up our attachments? Did Jesus not simply give up his body?
To suggest that the true Trinity must die is a little absurd. I can understand that we must see it for what it is and in the seeing our delusions disappear, but in the film, it was only Trinity’s body that died.
Yes, he truly is. He has a powerful presence. I’ve met other famous people and I always have this strange sense that I know them. Particularly bumping into them in the street - you kinda want to say hello…but Nick Cave is different. You kinda wanna thank him for his story. He always tells a story - particularly in his live performances.
You are a bit too much into emotional angle of your spirit, you believe in
" life after death ", and I respect that. You, never had other choice,
otherwise, you would feel truth, you die, your spirit goes into dust with your flesh, because, that was your spirit, your “signature”.
Your soul (life) is my life (soul) 2, we are connected by destiny.Otherwise you wouldn’t read this right now.This right now, you wouldn’t read otherwise.
You see darling , you have said it yourself, God is truth and love,
time and life.It is crucial to understand prophecies, for that you need
Holy Spirit, or truth.And you dear have a Beliefs, which are contradictory.
The very reason, you can not understand that you have control only over your thoughts.
Truth need me more, than I need truth,I am in total control over truth, because I know myself, my beginnig and my End.
Hopefully will talk some more, check out that prophecy, tell me what you think.
I grasp that I am in control of my thoughts. Well at least, I’m working on it. And I agree, I feel compelled to talk with you because of our destiny. Say, where does that come from?
So here’s the thing. It’s not so much life after death that concerns me, but more life during life. You know, a wakefulness to Life. Life being Truth.
I have to admit, I have no idea what Joel is talking about.
What I feel when listening to people’s reaction, after they have listened how I feel about destiny,is truth about them being destined to be reluctant.It is natural to slip into fear of “not being able to control your life” if your Spirit is controled by your Emotions.
Reality (one and only) was always fact that we are making our choices, it is a fact that can not be denied.The truth is, that, what’s behind that decision, is not Ours.
We can say something is ours, only if is ours 100%,simply put it in perspective of Copyright Laws.
Same goes with being “Free”.Being free means being unlimited.
You see, my liquidangel,I’ve had two consecutive Revelations of truth
in ‘91 and ‘05. I do know my Future, I saw It, in my thoughts,and
it became truth.
I can give you a “blue print” of how to become free and eternal, it is not
mine, and is free.The catch is, that, it is absolutely beyond my control can you get there, or not.Because it is your Destiny, over which I
can not possibly have influence or control.(We’ll get to that" blue print" later)
It is, as you corectly put it, truth about your life being truth and love.
That is why your Life itself, is your #1 priority,and your meaning, it is
your Soul, gift that came from somewhere.Your mother gave you birth,
not Life
Try to look upon your life as you can remember, and try to realise, that
most important thing is that you are alive right now.Which means that All
“your” choices and decisions,“good” or “bad” have brought you here, to this point.Than that “bad” choice is becoming “good” .
If you can feel that truth, you will start feeling, what was mission of
that Geezer named Jesus.And that simple truth will spread like virus
over everything you need to know.
It is a gift, or talent, like singing or playing an instrument.
That is why I don’t have power to make you feel" my" Love
I do not have authority to tell you when will the End of Perception of
Reality and Life as we know it happen’, but after it happen’, than we’ll
“feel” eachother 100%
I’ll brake down Joel for You later, got to go .