Organized Labor; The World’s First Meta-religion


Embracing Organized Labor as the World’s First Meta-religion

The dawn of the recognition of the importance of Organized Labor is quickly drawing upon us. If humanity’s goal is to be more than just wandering and squandering, exhausting the world’s resources toward trivial ends beyond mere existence, perhaps even harming rather than helping our collective future, then we must find a way to speak with a united voice. Organized Labor, and the collective ethical and economic agreements that they solidify provide the necessary moral compass to guide an emerging humanity into a continually evolving world.

Humanity needs a collective purpose.
This would be in addition to our many individual and religious purposes. Under such a unified objective, individual moral behavior not harmful to the collective good would properly remain individual choice, accruing concomitant rewards as believed to come before or after that individual’s death. However, the world’s collective guidance is a different matter. It should be obtained from a purpose positioned far beyond any one individual’s reach. This purpose should shine as a beacon to nations, guiding many generations. And its rewards should accrue to the living, not the dead, enriching the lives of all.

While no one should be expected to abandon their inherited or chosen religion, none should be prevented from adopting an additional universal purpose to guide their moral behavior. No one should be asked to change what they have come to believe about themselves and their ultimate individual destiny, or to deny the god they worship. But an overarching universal purpose, used to guide humanity’s collective behavior should also exist—something that clearly helps ensure our species’ and life’s well-being and continuance.

Free, independent, Organized Labor agreements fit this purpose and so much more.

Like religions of the past Organized Labor agreements transcend time, culture, and language and provide the framework for humanistic answers that thrive in a liberal democracy.

Organized Labor agreements spell out humanistic business relationships
that recognize and address the best interest of the holy trinity of Organized Labor; labor, capital, and material/objects

Free, independent, legally recognized Organized Labor Agreements are successfully negotiated thousands of times world wide to the benefit of all three parties and to their immediate community.

Organized Labor supports and compliments government, especially liberal democracies.

Organized Labor assists all governments and cultures
in promoting a rich, stable society that is able to support higher education, the arts and moral purpose in freedom of religious beliefs.

Organized Labor Agreements are extremely responsive
to economic changes and represent one of the purest forms of liberal democracy and humanistic approach to problem solving as they enrich all individuals, their community, and individual liberty in a continually rising level of world wide economic and humanistic evolution.

Understanding Organized Labor and its ability to unite us with a higher purpose is an individual metamorphosis.
This individual process involves a maturity and related life experiences. Perhaps collective man is maturing; perhaps the dawn is approaching, for a world wide recognition of Organized Labor beyond the denotative wages and benefits often associated with such contracts.

There is an inherent good of the concept of Organized Labor
Contracts in their ability to provide a recognized, legal economic and moral shelf for individuals and for nations.

The legal, recognized agreement between labor, capital, and material/objects in the independent spirit of the Organized Labor contract is good for everyone.

Through an extremely odd epiphany I began discovering and following a completely new philosophy and an exciting universal form of organizing that I continue to uncover and define.

It’s the third form of union organizing.

It’s organizing from the inside-out.

I call it The Way.

And it begins with one simple question; do you believe in the inherent good of Organized Labor?


This holy trilogy of labor, capital, and objects/material is so important to individuals and to society in general, that free, independent, recognized Organized Labor contracts deserve the title of the world’s first meta-religion.

The angels, saints, and Gods of our time are the men and women who are a part of or who support the concepts and the contracts of Organized Labor. The world is begging for the voices of Organized Labor, the believers of miracles; the harbingers of the coming good and the visions of hope.

The two major problems that face individual men today and reside in every nation are;

Existing religions have become meaningless or worse
, they have devolved into a framework of oppression and division – even a conduit of hate and violence.

There is a world wide race to an economic bottom
producing lower wages for labor, disrespect for the science of objects/material and a misappropriated emphasis on profit as an ends as opposed as a means for capital. None of these results are good for any of the three components of the Organized Labor contract. These results are devastating to each community and every nation as a whole.

Free, independent, legally recognized Organized Labor agreements address both of those problems at the same time.

The concept of Organized Labor is pure and divine just as the concept behind Organized Religion.
The institution of Organized Labor, like all other institutions infused by man, needs to have every human characteristic displayed.


There’s no fundamental difference between organized labor and organized big business. In each case, labor or business, the party involved is attempting to use it’s leverage to maximize the consumption of resources by it’s members.

While I do agree that a healthy state of affairs would see the demands of both parties fairly balanced, the underlying problem remains the same, however the pie is divided.

Our resources are finite, and our desires are infinite. Seven billion human beings, soon to be ten, chewing their way through a limited supply of natural resources at any ever increasing pace.

Members of labor unions want to do this chewing just as much as the tycoons of big business, they just aren’t as good at it, which is why they have to work for somebody else.


Just wanted to state that I edited my original post’s title. That is all in my edit.

I did that to clarify the topic. Originally, part of the title was not visible because it was too long.

Thank you for your response.


I’ve read your so claimed academic work and I can safely say it is -

Now, before a moderator* deletes my post, I would actually like you to read Bill’s theory, from beginning to end and try understand his “philosophy”; See if you can surmise his theory as a religious belief or philosophy. Of course this picture should not be displayed under “The Academy”, however, should his theory be under this category?

I’ll give you an example of his horseshit :stuck_out_tongue:

No such thing exists.
The division of labour exists and unions exist though.

There is no inherent good in organized labour, this is absolute non-sense. Slaves have existed in an organized fashion for ages, and their labour, was organized.

Why? He gives no reason.

He gives no reason why it is bad. This is just verbal vomit. Also, this is capitalism problem, not an organized labour problem.

So on and so on.


Thank you.

I really appreciate your response.

It is very revealing.


For something to be a religion, there must be a principle within it that is regarded as the highest principle from which to make all decisions in life.

The simple thought of “organized labor” doesn’t really qualify as a principle, but rather a goal for some principle to achieve. Without naming the principle (to be worshiped as supreme, ie. “God”), no religion (meta-or otherwise) has been addressed or mentioned.



Wait a sec…Organized Labor, like organized religion transcends culture, time, and language.

Organized Labor creates an economic and an emotional shelf that signature parties refuse to travel below.

Organized Labor as a meta-religion is a new concept
for you and everyone else.

What I mean when I use meta in the meta-religion part is that Organized Labor is not a religion in itself for most people. The meta can be thought of as in it’s deep philosophical and Greek heritage. Originally meta was a Greek preposition μετά, meaning beyond.

Organized Labor unites all religions
and transcends them.

For me, Organized Labor is my religion.

Organized Labor is the highest principle from which I make all decisions in my life.

Thanks a lot.

That actually felt good!


If he isn’t a troll, then he has no idea what the hell is going.

Yeah well, that’s what all Communists preach about their “Organized Labor”.
Just because a preacher and proselytizing is involved, doesn’t mean that it is a religion.

For me, Organized Labor is my religion.

Organized Labor is the highest principle from which I make all decisions in my life.

Thanks a lot.

That actually felt good!



I am not a Communist.

I believe in Organized Labor as my guiding principle.

Modern Organized Labor agreements are the opposite of Communism.

Thank you for allowing me to clear-up this important point.

Thank you for your interest in this thread.


Happy Labor Day Weekend 2012!

This is my Christmas & New Years all rolled into one!


If you want to clear up that point, I suggest you begin explaining the difference.
That way you have a chance to learn more truth about both.
So far, they are actually identical.


Again, I appreciate you allowing me to clear-up an important point about Communism and Organized Labor. A point that is unfortunately often misrepresented within the media.

There are five communist countries on earth.
Just five.

In each of those countries it is illegal to be a member of an Organized Labor group and it is illegal to form a recognize, independent labor organization.

I have had the pleasure of being a member of five independent, legally recognized labor organizations in my life so far. I can tell you, without reservation, Democracy and the Democratic system had never meant so much to me as when I was at a union meeting or I was active in a union function.

Organized Labor thrives in a Liberal Democracy.

It’s really a great feeling.

Thank you again. I appreciate this opportunity to literate these important concepts for you and other members here at the I Love Philosophy forums.



That is because the entire country IS an “organized labor” camp.

Of course. In any country you can’t organize a labor union inside a labor union.

Haha… I take it that you never thought about the fact that KKK members were so very certain that they were representing Jesus and true Christianity.

In a communist country, you speak communism and promote whatever other cause you have in mind.
In a Socialist country, you speak socialism while promoting whatever other cause you have in mind.
In a “democratic” country (if there are any left), you speak democracy while promoting whatever other cause you had in mind.
Hell, even in Church, you speak religion, but promote whatever other cause you had in mind.

The entire world is doing nothing but speaking the language of the region while trying to promote their real cause… unseen. That way you capture more fish and create more willing drones for your cause who keep saying one thing, while actually promoting something different and often quite the opposite. They enthusiastically go out promoting with zeal what they thought was one thing, while actually serving their own enemy. You are obviously one of those enthusiastic promoters.

So now, to CLEAR IT UP…

Explain the difference between what you are calling the religion of Organized Labor and Communism.


You seem a bit scattered and perhaps you are unable to make differentiations in this area.

You are not alone and this is something you should not feel ashamed about.

The footprint is simple and clear
, all you need to do is to stay focused for the next minute of this post;

There are FIVE recognized Communist countries that exist on the planet today:
North Korea

In each of those countries it is illegal to be a member of an Organized Labor group and it is illegal to form a recognize, independent labor organization. You could be jailed or killed for your affiliation or activity if suspected of being part of an Organized Labor group.

Organized Labor thrives in a Liberal Democracy.

And it’s just that simple.

You don’t have to over think this one.

Many people, who don’t have direct contact or affiliation with a labor group, may not get the best of information through the mass media outlets.

This has been a GREAT discussion.

I hope that helps you in your efforts to better understand modern Organized Labor agreements.

Wiki would be an excellent place for you to begin.


But YOU DO need to THINK. Because you are not thinking at all so far.

As I said, when you are in a region, you speak the language of that region while promoting an ulterior agenda.

In this case, you are on a philosophy forum, so you speak “Philosophy”; “This great I Love Philosophy forum”, “We good philosophers…”, and so on.

But you are actually promoting, proselytizing, your religion and not philosophizing at all.
Philosophy requires reasoning, not repeated memes and mere declarations of greatness or ignorance of others.

You have yet to display a single aspect of philosophy.
You are promoting your “meta-religion”, which in this case happens to be what the rest of the world calls Communism.

But of course (and as always) the promoter must deny his agenda even if he didn’t realize what it actually was. So you deny that you are promoting Communism and try to give the impression that you are promoting “good down home democracy”. Perhaps you are not aware that the Communist party in America were the first to promote labor unions. They were actually Marxist/Hegel style Socialists merely posing as Communists, but there isn’t a lot of difference.

So are you incapable of actual philosophy?
It’s okay. Nothing to be ashamed of really. Most people can’t handle reasoning.
That is why they have Blind Faith.

But this being not merely a philosophy site, but specifically an “Academic Philosophy” forum, a little philosophizing would be nice regardless of your cause.

So again, I ask you to draw the actual line between Communism and the Religion of Organized Labor.
You pointing out which other countries have admitted their communist condition is irrelevant.


Since we are in The Academy you realize that these original posts are given the greatest of scrutiny. And rightfully so.

I am proud to be the largest publisher here.

I am again glad that you have brought up this additional important point.

If you have time re-read my postings here.

They will clearly show you that I consider Organized Labor as a Meta-religion.

That means that the concepts and contracts of today’s modern Organized Labor agreements encompass all other religions.

I hope that helps.

Again, there are a lot of new philosophical concepts that I bring to the table. You are not going to be able to pic-up all of them at the same time.

Still, I appreciate you trying!

On a side note, but important to me, Organized Labor happens to be my religion but I realize that literally no one else on earth shares that view. I’m fine with that!


I study Marx, I study and imagine what his communism would look like when you deny the premises of capitalistic rights and laws.
Bill can’t tell you the difference because he doesn’t know the difference. He gets his information from news articles, not from the philosophy itself - even trolls have limits.

If you haven’t noticed, it is impossible to enter into any kind of debate with him. You just agree or disagree. He literally cannot respond to your questions in a coherent fashion.

James, he’s just pushing your buttons. Observe the discussion from his point of view as a troll - trying purposely to make you angry. It’s a new kind of trolling :stuck_out_tongue:

Yes, that certainly seems to be the case, except “pushing my buttons” is strictly imaginary.
You won’t have to imagine it if anyone every actually pushes my buttons.

On the other hand, I believe in giving even the conspicuous drones an opportunity to reform even though the probability is nearly zero.

The formula for “taking out” a drone is pretty ugly.

Bill, if you cannot distinguish Communism from your religion, you are NOT a philosopher or philosophizing in any sense of the word.



Well, I don’t know, you two seem steeped in the Communist doctrine.

I just never had any use for it.

I don’t like it. I know that. And that’s all I need to know.

Both of you seem to be comfortable & know your way around the doctrine. That’s fine. I respect you for your views.

I LOVE freedom. I LOVE individual liberty and I find my love, my life in the bosom of independent, legally recognized Organized Labor agreements.


I think both of you bring-up some good points but those points may be beyond the scope and framework of this particular thread.

Both of you have done for me something that I would not have been able to do upon my own.

You allowed me to realize that people really want to learn about Organized Labor and it is part of my responsibility to speak to them wherever they are coming from in order to help them understand.


Good luck & thank you for this opportunity.


Your actions say otherwise.

Frankly you seem to be like that little girl in your pic there… having no clue what the sign she is holding up means. The man behind her is directing her enthusiasm. She is probably told to espouse a dislike for Communism too… all the while actually causing it.

It would help if you bothered to investigate exactly what Communism is and isn’t.