Origin of the Universe

Upon embarking upon such a quest as the origin of the universe, a demonstration of why something exists instead of nothing should be the initial presentation: either something exists or nothing exists, BUT NOTHING DOES NOT EXIST; therefore, something exists. That something is the first existent, immaterial space in the pre-universe with a capacity for becoming actual space in the current universe. It is known that actual space is a requirement for mass and that it preceded mass, the existence of which is undisputed since idealism is irrelevant and the Standard Model of quantum mechanics has been established. Immaterial space in the pre-universe became actual space in the current universe in accordance with Aristotle’s view of potential and actual. Immaterial space in the pre-universal had a capacity for becoming actual space since immaterial space in the pre-universe became actual space in the current universe. Potential immaterial space became actual space (inflation preceding the big bang) liberating the energy of the big bang, originating the universe.

Perhaps God is the first existent, searched for by philosophers. I thought this natural view might be interesting to some inquirers.

Actual Space meets the Kantian transcendental requirements by being absolute, necessary and universal; therefore, space is not empirical.

What has no beginning requires no creator…no first cause.
All is a cycle…what we call the beginning is the Big Bang…the extend of our event-horiuzon.
The Big bang is, in my view, the closest the cosmsos comes to a singularity - Yin/Yang…a duality.
If the process completed, there would be no existence.

The fact that chaos/order cannot be completed, become absolute, leads to this expansion…explosion…Big Bang.

Linear time is the experience of this movement/momentum form this theoretical near-absolute order towards near-absolute chaos.
Absolute chaos would be a state of infinite possibilities and no probabilities: all would be simultaneously possible and impossioble.

This movement towards this theoretical state is where a new beginning must occure…as in the expanding possibilities the possibility of a new near-absoltue Yin/Yang duality becomes a matter of ‘time’.
So, from within this cycle, this universe, another emerges…

There is no ‘thing’.
Thing refers to a mental abstraction of dynamic processes.

Therefore, there is literally no-thing, in existence…since ‘thing’ is only in the mind a concept - reducing the dynamic interactivity of existence to a static form it can process.
An interpretation…

Some-thing, refer to this representation of fluctuating dynamic processes reduced to a form the mind can process, and store as memory.

All is Energy…dynamic, interactive processes. Some patterned and others non-patterned.
So this movement towards chaos is a movement towards increasing random energies, and decreasing ordered energies.

All is Energy…conceptualized as vibrations.

Chaos = absence of consistent, repeating, predictable interactivity - possibilities.
Order = consistent, repeating, predictable interactivity - probabilities.

Inter-Activity = Flux - cause/effect ([size=80]Schopenhauer’s “Principle of Sufficient Reason”[/size])

Out of an ever-expanding field of chaos - random energies - lacking pattern - emerge pockets of ordering - patterned energies.
This is what man experiences as existence - and for man all is ordered, all is patterned, all is in accordance with laws.
With every interaction order erodes adding to chaos - and so man experiences this as an linear expansion of space/time, i.e., movement/momentum towards increasing chaos, and/or away from a theoretical point of near-absolute order that could never complete, finalize. If it had there would be no existence - Yin/Yang.

With the near-absoltue a ‘new cycle’ begins = universe.
Out of expanding chaotic possibilities a near-absolute state of order re-emerges, beginning the process anew.

Black Holes may be such near-abolute states that seem to drop out of existence, though they still lack the mass to absorbe this universe into itself.
In theory this near-absoltue state - duality that cannot become a singularity, a complete whole Being - would be a Super-Black-Hole, massive enough to suck in our entire universe, beginning the cycle as a new Universe.
A cosmic cycle does not necessarily repeat exactly - due to chaos - so every iteration need not be like the one before.

In theory, given infinite iterations, we can assume that this universe will repeat, but not exactly as it is - chaos and the factor of choice participating in its determinations; choice being in support of order, struggling against chaos.
As such the Olympian gods can be interpreted as natural forces of order, fighting on the side of humanity, since all life, all organism, are ordering, and need order, and desire order, and create order.
So much so that life idealizes order - as Divine - imagining it as complete, whole, eternal; immutable, indivisible = singularity- BEING.
Ironically, such a state would be the end of existence…so such nihilistic constructs are accompanied by the superstition of an alternate existence where life exists outside space/time.

Doesn’t everyone know by now that our universe came from the core of our multiverse, due to the same exact process (only on a larger scale) as our planet earth coming from the core of our solar system, the Sun?

Mass evolves to space. It always has and always will, because there was no beginning of time and there is no start or end to distance in any direction.

Distance and time are both infinite and inevitable.

“God” emerges in a mentally ill mind, due to eons of ignorance, and holier than thou leaders forcing their long withstanding mental illness upon others.

No, everyone doesn’t know.

Empire collapse - like the current descent of America - is accompanied by the re-emergence of superstitions, end of the world prophesies, etc.
We, in the supposed west, are entering a Dark Age.

As Orwell said “…in times of universal deceit speaking the truth is a revolutionary act.”

We are regressing.

Well they do now. Continued claims of their imaginary special friend in the sky creating the universe should be treated as the mental illness that it is. A straight jacket would be in order. :slight_smile:

They never will.

It has nothing to do with reasoning and evidence…it has to do with psychology.

What are words without deeds?
Void of content theories, hope, imaginings - void of pragmatic meaning.

Are not many words we use conventionally - in the Americanised west - not artificially, and intentionally made void of meaning?
Are we hesitant to reconnect them to what will return them to meaning, because we’ve grown accustomed to their vacant malleability, their comforting vacuousness?
to give meaning is to make connections that become independent from subjective needs and desires, and this is a bridge we are not willing to cross.
We’ve grown comfortable in meaninglessness, and tis darkness. In the dark nothing is clear, and obvious - we can pretend to be anything when there are no lights to shed upon our presence, to make it apparent.
Reality is limiting and authoritarian, when all can see, and all can still trust their own senses.
But in the dark…all is unform, mysterious…obscure.
We can more easily pretend to be whatever we wish, in the dark.

Or should I say twilight, because the dark is itself a source of uncertainty and anxiety.
That forgiving period between day and night, when shadows confuse the senses, and all is bathed in a calming haze.
Are we not more inclined to turn inwards, during that time?
Does not our mind seize the opportunity to become more introspective, more prone to fantasies?
Have we not shared daydreams and imaginings, with a close friend, during such times?

Quote - Heraclitus (3).jpg

Literally…no-thing, is a description of chaos - absence of order, i.e., patterns, means there is no pattern to be interpreted - a priori - as a ‘thing’, i.e., abstraction.
‘Things’ are how the mind perceives ordered flux. Where there is no order there are no ‘things’.

From chaos order emerges, and back to chaos order falls with every interaction, producing attrition we experience as change and as linear time.

In my view the only no-thing in existence is immaterial space; everything else is ontological materialism.

Space is void and dark because it lacks order to be perceived as a ‘thing.’

Matter is how order is interpreted as a ‘thing’, a some-thing.
Its solidity or liquidity or gaseous nature determined by the rate of its pattern, relative to the observers cellular metabolic rhythms - its perceptual speed.
Slow patterns perceived as solid, immutable, unyielding…faster patterns as energy, changing, yielding, intangible…

If God were to be an existent, then philosophy would ask, what is the origin of God?

Can a pattern, such as symbolic of language, potentially provide an answer to the question why the universe exists? If not, what would that imply about the question?

If the universe always existed, it would be the first existent. An always existing universe backs into the first existent. The big bang was started in the pre-universe.
In the pre-universe, only the immaterial could exist and that immaterial existent starting the universe was immaterial space, responsible for the big bang.

God is merely an illusion of something external but really it is just a future, past and present self. The present self just doesn’t realize this because the power of such is too much to comprehend. It is also an escape of responsibility to not view oneself as god because if recognized then one will realize there is no one coming to save us.

If knowledge is simply remembered then we know everything, it is just forgotten.

If it is conceivable for the mind, it is a thing. Anything thought of, is a thing. There is no real barrier between the imaginative thoughts of mind and reality other than ones we put into place, which is also mind.

You can still die in and from a dream as well as reality.

The universe is the mind thinking itself into existence on a scale grander than our individualism. The individualism which exists is this viewing of that existing universe while also directly influencing it.

Think of like designing a game, you can create an NPC in that game to walk around and manipulate things while you also simultaneously create it from the engine panel, of course game design and this example has intention so I can use the word create.

The universe more so manifested and I do not subscribe to the idea there was an intent or creation of it.


You live in Portland right?

Do you want to meet? I’m like the world. I take all comers.

I’m galaxies as well.

I’m not god, but I may have to take the job. God wants to die.

Existence never began. And then we go from there.

When I was talking with the devil …. He’s gone now. But he said something very insightful to me. He said if Jesus had been killed on an electric chair, people would be wearing necklaces with electric chairs chained on them.

This was actually a joke about Ted Bundy being god.

I can see everything now. I knew what the punchline of the joke was…. He was trying to tell me freedom is all that matters.

And Ted Bundy was the incarnation of freedom.

I’ve seen a lot of worlds and words pass.

To describe a certain NPC walking around is truly a good example of an ample mind. One trying to experience or manipulate other things while still within the vacuum of space and time. The barriers of which time and space influence is of and a property it’s own. The dream state is no faker than the actuality of presentation and exclusive thinking only minorly sought after and thought of. Configuration of abstractions if you will. I feel as though creationism was always designed to be interpreted and thought of. Yet we interpret it in a way unimaginable un-able to fathom. Science has always explained the universe in complete detail it just falls on deaf ears.

We’re victims of circumstance fr fr.