
See the thing that completly confuses me is that before 5 seconds ago something happened right? So therefore before earth something was there that created it… i mean everything didn’t just pop out of “thin air”-and where would this “thin air” come from . i just can’t see where everything originated from like the scientists say that there was the fusion of the molecules on earth from the lightning and so on… now lets think where did all that stuff come from, the lightning, the molecules, and if you know that answer, where did the stuff before come… It just confuses me how we poped out of thin air and everything comes to being, i mean im sure you can agree with me, put what is your views on the most complex qution ever in time …ORIGINATION, i would like to hear your views on this so i can somewhat see what is going on here and what most of you think. I suppose this may have come up in the past and sorry for repeating it if it did but i would like to hear everyones views on this, this is a very broad and powerful subject so just let your ideas roam out

I know I’ve mentioned a couple of theories about it before, and I’m sure others have, but a quick look in other articles and i couldn’t find the one I was looking for.

Anyway, I know of 2(well 3ish) possible explanations that there is no beginning.

Styephen Hawking, in a brief history of time advocated some type of theory that the universe just bes. It’s like a sphere, with the big bang and a big crunch at each pole, but there’s no end or beginning, it just is. however as they think there’s gonna be no big crunch, I don’t know whether it’s now like a dish. I’m not sure, the book was written a long time ago, and I’venot looked up his recent view on it. Why it just bes can’t exactly be questioned because itjust bes. Bit circular.

Another view, tied to einstein’s biggest mistake, is that emptiness has a potenital, that is complete vacuum has energy stored in it, and if there;s no matter between the vacuum this energy would spontaneously form a big bang. Now that one is pretty hard to understand/buy as well, but it’s a real suggestion. Whether the reasoning behind it is that as the matter in the universe gets so far apart new universes will spontenously appear in the middle ofthem I don’t know. Sounds a little like money for nothing to me :slight_smile:

Linked to the above, but not exclusive to, is that any concept of causation beaks down as you approach (from a backwards way, i.e. as you go back in time) a big bang the whole concepts of modern science, including cause and effect, become meaningless terms and everything operates on different principles. So as cause and effect are no longer applicable as we approach the big bang, there’s no reason why they should be such a thing as the big bang. Though at the big bang would make no sense either as there’s no cause and effect.

Anyway, my brains going a little dizzy. It all gets me a little perplexed, in a way that I wanna know more, but at the same time I’m not sure I do, just mind boggling concepts really :wink:

Has anyone else got any other theories they’ve heard of that might explain the birth of the universe?

Oh yeah, and the intervention of some god is another explanation :wink:

Personally, I don’t see why there needs to be an origination. Why couldn’t the universe have been here eternally? We tend to think in a causal frame of mind but are unable to comprehend eternity.

Oh yeah. . . I tend to agree with Stephen Hawking. I would be interested to hear if Hawking has changed or modified his theory since a Brief History of Time. Any one read any of his more recent lectures on the subject?

On the topic of origination, or where or how all things first originated, in the words of Charles Darwin who thought it absurd to think about it for we have no way to find out yet…he simply said “I don’t know”. And I give him great respect for that. Very few people have the nerve to admit they don’t know something, and are willing to accept ignorance for the time being, instead of jumping on the God bandwagon, or anyother bandwagon for that matter, in order to make himself feel better that his question is somehow answered.

What’s your take?

The universe could have “originated” or it could have existed eternally in some form…I doubt that we can ever know aside from inferential speculation on observing “what’s here now”.

In my view, the universe has always existed in some form, and a God (as I am theist) simply “assembled” the fundamental puzzle pieces into the world that we know. But my view is ultimately (objectively) only a logical possiblity that for all we know might be the actual world. So also is a godless world.

I don’t subscribe to the “creation ex nihilo” argument, as I hold that no preexistent entity can somehow “make” a nonexistent entity to exist, and this goes for notions of the brain somehow creating consciousness “ex nihilo”.

But that is only my view,
Jay M. Brewer


[size=115]All time, all possibilities, exist at the same time.

We are three dimensional being in a multidimensional world.

For us, intellectually, infinity is the next dimension; time.[/size]



Do you have even the slightest bit of evidence to support that fantasy?

Bill I agree with the description I think you’re giving, in a sense, but I don’t know if I would have went about it with those particular terms.

the same people who expect to find a beginning if they look hard enough often aren’t as excited about finding an ending. Which they also probably wouldn’t find anyway




Time is universally accepted as our fourth dimension.

If there is a fourth dimension a fifth and a sixth is actually directly constructed to support the understood fourth dimension of time.

There was this guy named Einstein who wrote a special theory of relativity over one hundred years ago and another guy named Minkowski who solidified the concept of spacetime.

Hey, you should get out more…really.


You don’t even know what a “dimension” is.

Wrong again.
There are requirements for dimensions.
Having an assigned number isn’t one of them.

And has been struggling pointlessly to try to justify it ever since. He stated that he didn’t like what they were doing to Science, for a reason.

Which quite notably proved that if relativity were true then reality is an impossible absurdity.

And you should learn what it is that you are backing BEFORE you proselytize.


I cohesively describe the concept of the fourth dimension in three sentences.

Everybody here is telling me how serious they are; how philosophical they are.

I just don’t see it. Sorry gang. I wish I felt differently.

If I’m freaking-up your mojo - it ain’t me.

You may want to look closer…

Just sayin.[/size]


Which in itself has nothing to do with philosophy, merely proselytizing your rather simple minded opinions.

Find out what it means to be philosophical and maybe that will change a bit.
Then you can go spreading your propaganda without so much flack from the members.
Of course, you might actually have to learn what it is that you are selling in order to defend it.
Pictures are great tools for communicating (and in your case effort at psychologically manipulating), but they do NOT constitute philosophy.

Stop selling your opinions long enough to learn something and you might get your wish
…although you might find yourself embarrassed by your past.

Then why is it so obviously directed at you?
The world is wrong and you are right?
That isn’t impossible. But if you can’t prove that to be the case, maybe it isn’t the case.

Show us something other than the same ole globalist propaganda drivel that we see all over the place every minute of the day, and maybe we will look closer at it.

Maybe that’s the problem.




Someone telling you the truth about yourself can feel like they are mad at you at times, can’t it.
Truth hurts”… when you ignore it for too long.



I cohesively describe the concept of the fourth dimension in three sentences.

Everybody here is telling me how serious they are; how philosophical they are.

I just don’t see it. Sorry gang. I wish I felt differently.

If I’m freaking-up your mojo - it ain’t me.

You may want to look closer…

Just sayin.

If you want more words, if you want a more in-depth description of the fourth dimension from a fellow member here it is.

If you were serious about learning of higher dimensions perhaps you should have read the wiki article that I provided.

You gotta get out more dude. You’re soundin stale…really.


Double posting, like constantly trying to manipulate with the same ole obvious pics, does what?

Satan would be proud that you tried, but seriously ashamed at your method.

The people here are not as moronic as you seem to think.
They might not be the brightest lights on the tree, but neither are you.
I would suggest improving your game or finding a new one.


I believe you may be jumping to some rash conclusions.

Relax a bit.

Origination is a very broad and powerful subject so just let your ideas roam out in free form.

Concentrate upon philosophy; good philosophical concepts.

Good luck my friend.



Try to actually say something worth discussing; make a challenge, give an explanation (that isn’t just some one-liner propaganda BS), or SOMETHING to actually discuss.

You promoted that there ARE multi-dimensions. Now what do you have to support that idea?
A lot of people saying it over, and over, and over, doesn’t mean anything.
I happen to know that it is patently false.
But why do you believe it and/or want other people to believe it?