Sorry. But you just seemed completely predisposed to actually believing this bullshit form the very start. First the board is constantly spelling jibberis, which is consistant with Oujia being bullshit, but you seemed rather obsessed and intent on getting some actual results. I can imagine that you spent a great deal of time doing so, miking this Ouija stuff a major focus in your life. I mean your entire environment seems to all contain people who believe that Ouija is real. Its funny how people who believe in demons and ghosts see demons and ghosts and those who dont, well…do not. My friends fundamentlist christian father not only believed in the Bible literally but he also seemed to buy a lot of other horseshit too like demons, bigfoot, UFOaliens(who were really demons in disgiuse), homeopathy, Chi’ ect. ect… You were in an environment where you immediatly knew someone who was supposedly able to “test” spirit presance around you? Thats not a “normal” environment. It seems that you grew up in an atmosphere and environment that encouraged and facilitated supernatural beliefs.

Regarding environment, it’s called growing up Catholic in a very Catholic community comprised primarily by immigrants who are, yes, very superstitious. What exactly do you think is “normal”? I don’t think there is anything abnormal about an 80 year old Italian woman who was raised Orthodox Catholic. The idea of possession and exorcism is a part of the Catholic faith, as a matter of fact most religions have variations on these ideas.

No, not everyone around believed in the board. The friends I mentioned in the first paragraph were stoned and drunk when they played and used the board as a party game.

It seems that you, like Old Gobbo who said that I was disagreeing with Uccisore, fail to understand that I AGREE that the board is not special or powerful in and of itself.

I think you’re absolutely right when you say that people looking for spiritual contact are more likely to find it and those who are not are unlikely to have such experiences. Spirituality is a very personal thing. Religious people interpret the world differently based on their beliefs. If you are a Catholic lets say and you pray for a sick friend, have their name mentioned at the conclusion of a mass to enlist the prayers of others in your spiritual community and they get better, then you’re going to believe that those prayers helped the person in need. However, if you’re an atheist, those thoughts are never going to enter your mind and when your friend recovers you will be more likely to thank the doctors and nurses rather than god, because if course it was them and the advances of medical science that made the difference, it had nothing to do with the god you don’t believe in.

I think my approach was a little more neutral than you’re making it out to be. I did often question whether or not it was ME, electrical impulses in my hands or possibly psychokinesis causing the effects with the board. I questioned the events and even discussed them with a psychologist in therapy. When I heard things getting banged around in the kitchen while I was home alone upstairs I called my mother at work who called the police. I believed that someone had broken into the house, not that this was a hallucination or the result of my having played the Ouija board.

The Adlerian, your post wasn’t direct or clear enough for me to understand what you’re getting at. I’m interested to hear what you’re explanation might be. To clarify, when the planchette moved BY ITSELF, I was not touching it at all. But in all seriousness, I’m not trying to believe in some fabricated reality. I’d like to think I can find a better explanation for all this, however, at this point I am inclined to believe that the occurrences were spiritual in nature. As far as cause and effect goes, prayer seemed to be the solution, but like I mentioned above I do realize that outcomes and beliefs can have a lot to do with a person’s perception.

I know tons of catholics but I do not know a single one who claims to have to power to sense demonic presance around a person. Thats pretty strange. Right away you knew an old lady who could supposedly sense demonic/spirit presance.

Exorcism hasnt been a major focus and has in fact been frowned upon in terms of belief in Cathlocism for quite sometime now.

People who believe in demons and spirits are more likely to misinterpret explainable phenomenon as “demons”.

Just a note about my post: it got screwed up and that is only one small section of the response. Sorry.

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To find an intellectually respectable description of a modern religion. Read Life Itself As A Modern Religion. Loved it

Maybe you only experience that stuff if you already believe in it. I’ve never had a ouija board do squat around me, nor have I ever seen anything remotely paranormal, despite the fact that the restaurant I run is supposedly “haunted.” :unamused:

Stoned and dethroned…

exhales bong hit

I like it… :smiley: