who´s played it?,can dead people contact the living or is it just a crock ?
please post any thoughts,explanations or experiences.

It could be, not dead people, but evil spirits who are acquainted with our recollections of dead people.

Or it could be the bastard seated next to you who has a heavy hand and wants to freak you out.

Years ago in undergraduate school I took a parapsychology class. The class was geared toward the skeptic. A group of fellow students believed in the ouija and reported amazing results. The teacher invited them to bring it in. When they did it they got messages that made sense. When the teacher and I (a fellow skeptic) did it we got nonsense.

The teacher concluded that the board works via an unconscious process similar to looking at ink blots. You see what is on your mind.

Meanwhile, the teacher and I were mutually surprised at the wacky free flowing way that our hands moved while on the pointer.

I guess the test would be if the board was able to tell you something truly novel that was surprising to you.

It is not the only possible conclusion.

The Ouija is interesting because it provides a testable mehod for detecting paranormal phenomena.

I tend to differ on that conclusion.

However, if as I said, the board provided you with information that was totally novel or of a subject of which you know nothing, then that would be worth checking into.

its the straight shit. it freaked me out acouple years ago. i don’t want to act like this is a camp fire but it was pretty interesting when i asked it straight questions like ‘whats my father’s middle name?’ and got interesting answers… ie, my mother’s middle name. my fingers weren’t on the pointer then. but still, i’m a skeptic.

Milton Bradley makes them. I think it’s safe to say that if your Ouija board hasn’t been dipped in virgin blood or isn’t made from the wood of an ash tree felled on the third full moon after the summer solstice or whatever the hell, there’s nothing special about it. In other words, what’s a Ouija board anyway? If I draw one on a piece of notebook paper, is there any reason it wouldn’t work/fail to work every bit as well as one made in some special way?
I guess my point is this, if someone used a Ouija board and something freaky or paranormal happened, it’s not because Ouija boards are special. It’s because something ‘out there’ is using that as a convienient way to convey messages, for it’s own purposes. It could (and does) as easily use dice, or tarot cards, or dreams, or whatever. These very same things could just as easily being meaningless when tried again.
That is, IF it’s not all just a bunch of hooey in the first place.

It’s funny for me that you guys would bring up this topic because I haven’t felt like spending much time responding to a thread in a long while. I can begin by saying that I would likely never play with a Ouija board again in my life. My experience with it began in high school. My friends and I were rather typical gothic teens and heavily interested in the occult. I ended up buying a Ouija board to play with my friends. I remember sitting up in my friend Mick’s room with a few other friends and her brother and sister. We often played drinking games, smoked pot and played the Ouija board. Nothing much ever happened there and we were always arguing about who was “pushing” the planchette around to spell what they wanted, but everything changed when I took the board over to another friend’s house.

Her name was Rosa. She lived in a part of town that was built on top of where a cemetery used to be. Her parents were very old country, superstitious Italians and her grandfather had died fairly recently (within the year) so her mother wore black every day and had covered all of the mirrors in the house, except of course for the one in the bathroom because Rosa still had to put on her make-up before school. My friend was really afraid of the board and because of the vibes of her fear, I began to take it more seriously too. We played it in her room and vowed not to push it around… sure enough it moved by itself while we were touching it. It didn’t spell anything, just moved around and would occasionally respond to a “yes or no” question or float around on the numbers but without stopping on really anything in particular. We decided there must be something in the house, so we tried it in different rooms, finally gathering the courage to try it in the dark basement room where her parents kept barrels of their home made wine. Another feature of the room were the sausages, which were hung from the ceiling by string to dry. We started in with the board again, getting more gibberish but becoming more and more convinced that this thing was for real. This time we needed proof, so we “asked for a sign”. Repeatedly we looked around and continued talking to the air after having taken our hands off the board. Then, unprompted by wind or any other interference except what could be assumed paranormal, one of the sausages fell down and hit us. Of course we began screaming, grabbed the board and got out of there so fast that as I remember it, we might as well have been flying out of there.

Of course her mother heard us and saw us with the board which resulted in a serious lecture, one which you’d sooner expect had she caught us with drugs or something. Her father was in on it too and I wasn’t allowed over for a very long time. So Rosa and I decided that there must be spirits all over the place. Like Uccisore’s suggestion, we drew Ouija boards on pieces of paper and placed one finger each on a coin. The make shift boards worked equally as well. At school we found that the swim locker room seemed to be the most haunted. We also went out to the cemetery and got results by doing nothing more than placing a coin on any horizontal memorial stones, the ones which are set like plaques in the ground at the same level as the grass. It was at this time that I noticed when in the cemetery I could sometimes see sparkles in the sky over particular monuments. I brought some other friends out to these places and they were able to see them as well.

But this story gets worse. (this will be vortical’s longest post ever!) Often when I was growing up both of my parents worked night and I was home alone a lot. In my boredom I discovered that the Ouija board could be played independently. One day after school I sat with it on the coffee table in the basement and tentatively placed my fingers on the planchette. After a while it started to move and I decided to take the experiment one step farther and took my hands off. The planchette itself continued to move and then quickly jerked off the board and stopped. This only took a matter of seconds, it’s not like this thing was floating around spelling things. It was enough to scare the absolute shit out of me and triggered a full scale panic attack. Additionally it proved that it wasn’t fake, whether it was a spirit or only my own psychokinesis, something very real was happening. I kept doing it and have the following reasons to speculate that this was, in fact, some kind of spiritual contact.

Strange things started happening in my house, things that were not only evident to me. Most of the disturbances were auditory, but not all. Both my father and I frequently heard voices in the basement. The times he heard speaking was always around the time my mother would be coming home. The dog would perk up and go down to the basement and both he and I would swear that we had heard my mom open the door and hear a voice, like hers, talking as if to the dog. One time my father went down there, already saying something to her while on the way down. He was going to get the laundry, but returned up to the kitchen only moments later asking, “you heard your mother didn’t you?” I told him something was going on and he didn’t say anything. If I bring it up now, he says he doesn’t remember.

But he does remember how he ended up taking the dog to the vet at my mother’s urging after she had seen the dog frequently sit at the top of the stairs on the second floor and whimper. The dog would look, as if towards someone scolding her floating in the open space between the stairs and the ceiling. I only saw it once and was very disturbing to see the dog spontaneously cowering the way she would when swatted on the nose, although absolutely nothing was happening. And my mother remembers the night I called her frantic while hiding under my desk upstairs convinced by sounds of dishes breaking and things being knocked over that the house was being robbed. She called the police from work and came home. The police came and inspected the entire house to find that nothing had been moved, touched or broken.

This entity or entities seemed to have a more personal relationship with me. I am convinced there was more than one- I had played the Ouija board so much that if the thing was for real, there could have been a dozen spirits contacted. There was definitely something nasty or at least very mischievous in the house. When I was home alone once a little picture flew off the wall and hit me in the shoulder. I reenacted the event several times to see if it could have hit me had it just fallen downward naturally, but it was impossible. Something friendlier seemed to be in the house as well. When I would go to sleep at night I would frequently awake and feel as though someone was lying next to me in the bed. I could feel a depression behind me, like the weight of a body on the mattress and it was warm. If I moved to look the feeling dissipated, because I was oddly comforted by it, I started to leave it alone and it continued on like that almost nightly for a while. It’s presence seemed to diminish the fear I had regarding the other incidents. Fearful that these things were somehow attached to me, I consulted with another friend’s grandmother who reluctantly preformed some kind of test on me she had learned to see if there were spirits that had attached themselves to me. It involved a dish of water and oil- I have no idea how it worked but the results were upsetting to my friend’s grandmother, who became kind of angry and frustrated. She only spoke Italian and my friend suggested we leave her house afterward and told me she had said something like “you kids need to stop fooling with that witch shit and go to church.” She was annoyed that I had come into her house because she was such a devout Catholic and I was obviously giving off very disturbing energies as indicated with the oil and water.

Enough was enough and I had long since stopped playing with the Ouija board when I started actively trying to get whatever the hell was in my house, out. Taking grandma’s advice, I prayed a lot, which was something I had never done before. I also did rituals and banishments. Slowly at first and then it became more apparent, the strange things stopped happening. It still felt like something was in the house, but now it seemed to be dormant. I’ve never had any such encounters since, sometimes I almost miss them, but then I don’t. A therapist I had seen a few years ago was interested in these stories and had entertained the idea that I might have been going thru a lot of stress and had been hallucinating, but the fact that I wasn’t the only person having these experiences seems to disprove that idea.

Great retort! I once recalled once when I was dilly-dallying with tarot cards: “what is the point in laying them out in an orchestrated position or outlined shape (like a cross for example) when placing them in a pile face down in the order you drew them works just as well?”

There’s so much excess in the occult with fanciful doodads and other nonsensical errata that it’s no wonder how Christianity got so flamboyant.

Well, if I was an occultist, I’d say the paraphenalia is an important part of any ritual, helping to focus the mind, and create the right ‘atmosphere’.

Think about some poor bastard who lives on shithole row, and sees nothing but spinach for 6 days a week, walking into somewhere like York minster, and watching, admittedly from afar, these funny-looking blokes in gold-encrusted clothes, waving smoke and staffs around, bathed in the light from a stained glass window the size of his entire neighborhood, whilst what looks like a bunch of diminutive angels sing from the cloisters.

Impressive is not the word. Spinach man would be on his knees before the first syllable of the littany could be uttered.

Religion got killed by TV.

And the Occult got killed by crappy horror-movies.

Vortical that post was crazy!.. and no one even responded. That a very interesting story, and it even refutes most of what Uccisore said in his first post.

I played ouiji once… it told me I was the King of France in my past life.

Tres interestment no?

I find it interesting how we have these UFO videos, and ghosts and spirits and stuff… but we just sort of dismiss it, like a fly that is mildly annoying.

I do!!

There is an explanation for vortical’s post.

There’s always a psychological answer

  Well, maybe there is, and maybe there isn't. I'm of two minds about this: I believe first and foremost that spiritual 'stuff' is agent based. Obviously I believe in prayer and miracles and such like. If there is any other stuff, more like what a person would call 'occult', that isn't balderdash, I believe it's also tied up with beings, not spiritual 'entities'. 
 So, it could go two ways. Perhaps all the flamboyant mumbo-jumo is irrelevant, because a spiritual entity is just going to do what it likes regardless- in that case, why not a Ouija made of toilet paper? If the entity likes spooking teen girls, it will jump on any situation available. 
  OR, all the mumbo jumbo is super important, because the spiritual entities like it that way. Maybe 'demons' are stuffed shirts who like things a certain way, and people who think burning candles and chanting self-empowement crap is enough are just fooling themselves into accepting their own unwillingness to 'do what it takes'. 
 In either situation, the fact is there is no power in a Ouija board. If someone freaky happens because you use one, it's because something 'out there' wanted it to- I would say for no reason other than to promote belief in the occult. I guess what I want is to point out that talk of Ouija boards should serve to point at a much more interesting, fundamental matter.

Some would argue that’s exactly what people claim the boards do.

If there is a god why would he let any spirits talk to or do anything to anyone. That does not make sense.

The whole thing is about people, as usual.

Com’n Ad… you gotta do better than that.

So, then what is the explanation?

Old Gobbo, I actually thought I was in agreement with Uccisore…

This only took a matter of seconds, it’s not like this thing was floating around spelling things. It was enough to scare the absolute shit out of me and triggered a full scale panic attack.