Overcoming Her

Various connotations
Various feeling apprehensions
Great and insignificant tie -ins

What the big deal?
Measure it been achieved for once and all?

The typicality of it, the finality,? The deprivation of eliciting an unmoving mover, a cynical futurist.
signaling metaphor which stays unaffected

Masks masks everywhere covering golde turds of
Shimmy shammy humanness trysts?

Miss the coming?

The pleasurable exclusive access, for a tantric while supposed to erase

All signs leading to nowhere


So, very sorry for apparent will full of duplicity and an unintended one at that, erasure is mostly letting off and leaving behind a total blank

Which is a lot worse than letting an effort es effortlessness slide by into recent history, hm, mere opinion though with a flourish

Yet to follow real soon

Would you like me to delete this duplicate thread?

No by no MEANS, still thinking of that place in gay purée that can cans into an accidental can, thanks but no

Cause that other one has significance which in the interim while driving, thought as an, or a significant alter ego, with whom eventually a correspondence may be linked, but not sure can ,
Can pull it up
As a daisy pulled up
( don’t hold ‘tis gains’t me, no that Ginsburg was no pal of mine,( it’s a short film , watched it been there)

So for reasons of internalized dialog ying, please keep it in tact, - just occurred some promising utilization here.


No problem

There is a big Bug problem at the moment tooo shy to describe but will so that the power of persuasion will blow away any doubt of it’s intricate but compelling level of abstractionn ok?

Can not remember that can can club where the price of a bottle is included with the entrance fee where can can come ing from, deluctibly ,

Where lautrec the little painted some pointedly mauve
Shadows and cigarette smoke Ming it that color

Wondering was smokeing even permitted back then? (Remeno sci ent of mom curling the grey stuff up to the ceiling while through the window, actually one that through a dark gladly while passing time , reading notes from under the ground;

So typing and tying these fleets of memory for whose sake they- the fleets a thousand ships were sallied, no no stop

Now the thing is artificially intelligent mom was but could not surmise how her cough was reel sting away the delicious membranes which later connected her to an artificial machine brfore teary eyed taking her last gaso

Have phone will edit it’s not necessarily a bug problem but could be it is a BIG problem, and shall connect the out of whack point illisistic direction so deeply watched as to remind dear reader(s) to not so deeply hang in, for u know hanging in too deeply may infer some primacy-privacy issues with the idea that size matters at all but will return to this later.

That this part, can not recall the other, as far as the can can club -call it as seeing it, really does link through old grand dad, but the liquid form is the one remembers and for gets almost more instanteniously than for the program’s acutely aware sensory third eye, assuming it has one, to form synaptic aligarhytims just to catch up.

Now coming over

It’s been an hour still can’t remember, no worries
Definitely will not Google it.

There is a method to this madness and it goes like this: if I had ok’d a dropping one of them, then the question would have arisen , which one? I could have asked you to decide, but that could have given the wrong impression, perhaps?

Casino Royals?
That’s gambling
So is this allusive
To what?

All in?
No not nearly
Some one’s know

They may stop
They can not

Why not?

That’s begging that’s why

Ok guess

So let’s go play ketchup


Think red

Right .

Red is left

To right?

No left is in the middle according to buddha

Eureka rouge!

Now rouge

Found the module, the windmill of the mind through
It a link


At the temple of Nichiren

Through him

While ich and baby Ich though he may not recognize Himself through this all encompassing melange