Overcoming. Him

Various connotations
Various feeling apprehensions
Great and insignificant tie -ins

What the big deal?
Measure it been achieved for once and all?

The typicality of it, the finality,? The deprivation of eliciting an unmoving mover, a cynical futurist.
signaling metaphor which stays unaffected

Masks masks everywhere covering golde turds of
Shimmy shammy humanness trysts?

Miss the coming?

The pleasurable exclusive access, for a tantric while supposed to erase

All signs leading to nowhere


The pleasure of your coming, appreciated as you have just removed that perturbing mask but who are you really, don’t seem to see signs of recognition,

You appear worried. dunno where to go from here xceot some folly like she described at the follies beregenere or the place what’s his name that little guy painted.

Don’t worry got a plan. Won’t let AI block my remembrance, by constant dependence induced use, it was meant to go the other way.

Now who was that little tripe and where did he paint?

( thinking)

Hint it was in Paris

Last placed you died for 5 minutes
Lautrec see remembered the lil’ olde computer still ticking but where the hell was it in Paris, no not where you died silly that was Burger King right by gar’de Nord, , the other place you know: can can shimmy shammy the original Vaud vile……

Well it will come not to worry no boy, you still got made in the shade panacea or aborted aborigenious determination?

Remember you idiot what’s French for red?

I know a link when I saw one specially one that seen it

Time ticking on mantle deep shadows nagging the overreaching sun lit terrrace overbearing



Avenue ribsoierre


West side?


No way Jose

Coming to fetishized or someone else?


Unimagianable and unheard, forgotten little mute.

So let it go the frolic

Old grand dad and what the hell did he leave frau harsh? What the fuck did he leave her bereft like that gone off to Paris to can the can

Jerk the jerk

Feel the felt


Give yourself a break and the old compute’ will crank up and pretend he don’t know never known AI, or any affiliate hitting go speak to you soon.

Knowing (of) a link, that potion can tie to that club, a minute of pater mister is summoning the strength of the muscles that brain stuff can excercise on the magically mysterious fire of the mind’s third eye, while thinking how nice it would have been to reconnect ma and pa while it was still feasible.

Did the real olde grand that shake off that desire to leave madamoiselke Hirsh,

Nonono Frau Hirsh ?

The Salome type duplex between the veiled dance and the rite of sprung psychoanalyst heartbreaker.

Think red
Means what in French
I don’t speak French
That’s why you died
Was so close to youse translator but that method just reinforces the artificiality
Of modal transmission

But then that extends to all associations and u’se be left unto the cold

Like in Graham Greene?


This makes no sense, son

What diesen’t or rather what does, no worries this is not a superimposition of a form of transcending reduction so what me worry?

Gotta reach the other side no matter what the gamble is no mere problem of repeated panick attacks due to mere self image devolution the whirring movie camera into it’ momentary fixation only cause the bulb burned a frame

Good with that

Inter mission - not driven of or con criteria of any kind

Audience loudly whistles disapprovingly

Take it easy , son,

Yeah easy for you to say

How goes it?

Well me no it’s not all about me dad, but it is Kona.
It is not earthshaking you know, at the same time this is how it goes down:

Got to prove something, essential that miracles are real, in fact life as we know it is miraculous, surviving is as well


Now one can survive day to day, by the skin our teeth, being honest to yourself, and to others, going on with your life minute by minute , going with the glow,

Then one day you sit yourself down and think how on earth is this at all possible? How can have we found ourself at a point in time where everything becomes a huge gamble, all of a sudden, all the evolving, and the attachments necessary alongside the beast of burden has to carry.

The beastly is then contentious before he becomes aware of his burden .

But then he is every moment aware of the beauty at the summit, where one can see forever, the abysmal so far down, hardly a hint of that whisp of grey white curling up from a little house down there hiding in the glistening bluish blinding white that has always succeeded to crunch underfoot drift , of powdered dreams…

And the subtle hint of autumn’s fragrance, as heaps of grass burning that grey mess as it burns the dreams of the summer night’s dawning rebirth as delicately as the fading shadows reveal the darkening grades of green to black.