"Ownership"/property in ideas?

I ponder the idea that ideas can be owned, especially because it seems to be perpetuated quite often nowadays. I ask you:

  • Do you think ideas can be “owned”? If so, why and what kinds of ideas, and if not, why?
  • Do you think ideas can be “stolen”? Yes, no, why, why not, and/or what kinds?

I do not think ideas can be “stolen” instead merely copied, since it is a intellectular process that doesn’t require two people to be in contact about said idea in order for two people to have the same idea or thought in their head. An example includes two unrelated girls who had no prior contact beforehand wearing exactly the same clothing, even hundreds of thousands of people who think about the same thing every day to some extent.

My personal opinion and first instict is to say no due to the fact there can be no proof of ownership. If you are able to prove ownership of a thought I would love to hear it… Also, even when you say there is ownership in the thought, there is no way of proving the original thought holder.


I personally think that the whole concept of “ownership of ideas” also mixes up raw ideas, and interpretations/implimentation of ideas as well. Ask people to draw a blue mouse, people will draw them differently.