We can discuss our brushes with spookiness there.
For example my close encounters with UFO’s, a succubus, a false arrival experience, an uncomfortable crop circle incident etc…
I would have thought that the religion forum was adequate to the task…
Mundane Babble would also seem to work fine.
Daybreak quote - Mundane Babble would also seem to work fine
Nothing mundane about my close encounters
(The possible implant scar, …the possible bone-marrow DNA extraction bruise…)
Mick in England
that come’s from disbelief in something very important , j/k lol.
don’t those hurt at all man?
Donnie quote - The possible implant scar, …the possible bone-marrow DNA extraction bruise…)
that come’s from disbelief in something very important , j/k lol.
don’t those hurt at all man?
Nah mate, and the bruise faded out soon after, I’m kool…
“only about 10 percent of people who think they were abducted actually have detailed stories of what happened. The rest simply consider bits of evidence – a mysterious bruise, perhaps”
i’ve woken up with unusual bruises before but i generally attribute them to hitting my arm on the nightstand whilst i was asleep, or something similar…
I would certainly be in favor of a paranormal forum here. Although,like one already stated, the Religion forum should suffice.
Every forum here is paranormal.
I hate to say it, but Natural Science seems to lean that way as often as not.
He’s back!