patreon at it again

the pathetic beta-male bugmen at patreon have taken it upon themselves to enable a fascist numale betastate where the Fascist Nannystate dictates freedom of speech.

These betamale bugmen specimens will ban your patreon account for using words like “fag” so basically I’m probably pretty much banned from it already. Also, I know actual homosexuals who use the word “fag” so many actual homosexuals are probably not allowed to use patreon either. Also pretty much means half the people who play online games are banned too, but I guess people who play online games aren’t beta enough to be viewed as part of a society.

The sad thing is the nuspeak of it all, they say “We at Patreon support freedom of speech, but will ban anyone who uses homophobic slurs.”

This is a sad mob-like organization where they arbitrarly dictate a fascism. The truly scary part is that when they say “homophobic slurs” they don’t just mean on the website. For instance if you post on facebook or youtube or some unrelated website, and they think it is you, they will ban it. So basically the rule just doesn’t apply to just their own website, but your entire life you are not allowed to. Batshit insane and this is what happens when betamale bugmen feminists get put in charge of society, absolute bat shit insane.

The redcoats at it again, the UK bugmen mentality is migrating back to america again, this shit needs to be stopped like 1776 where the redcoat bugmen are infringing upon american freedom all over again. The UK is trying to give 2 years of prison time to people for online trolling…these people are batshit insane and need to be stopped.

So you are for online trolling?

So you want a life with no limits attached?

i want a life as an American without evil sjw bugmen creating a Fasciststate controlled by Skynet that monitors everything i do and pumps out fake news and then acts like incel is out of thin air and not because they are pumping 125% foreign immigrants into our fucking faces

I just googled incel and almost died.

This is blowing my mind.

I would think that prosecution could only occur for threatening online behaviour, and not for simply giving a negative opinion on a post in a public domain?

There is a fine line between free speech and harrassing the fuck outta someone… something the US fails to differentiate, and then rectify accordingly.