Pedro's Corner

hey man you don’t have to leave just because this place reminds you of me. i’m right here buddy.

It does seem to take a lot of fun out of life when you realize the sad state of affairs and there is nothing you can do about it.

be the change you want to see in the world or something

You are not the reason I leave. You are the reason I come around in the first place.

Oh wait, it’s not you. It’s the most beautiful bitch the Earth ever spat out.

Sez you.

And I thought the hole drugs had left was gaping. This motherfucker is a chasm. Does knowing you exist make up for the pain of not having you? Yes.

Love will always find a way Perdro… to find it’s-self, and become someone’s reality.

That would require for it to be lost.

Well fuck it, I guess that post just wasn’t meant to be posted.

wait you don’t think im the most beautiful bitch the earth ever spit out? have you seen my pics?

…such an attention seeker, pft


I mean I’d tap it.

Let’s touch on a touchy subject.

Doesn’t it make the Civil Rights movement suspect, their motives suspect, that they simply didn’t use the constitution to pursue their legal agenda? The US constitution has all that shit, all men created equal and that, why didn’t they just use that? I understand that what they were trying to do was extremely tricky. That’s why nobody wants to question them, because it was one hell of a tricky fight. But… Well, unless their motives were different than stated, they may have won a battle just to lose the war. No?

The founding members of the United States were not perfect, and most of them had slaves. But they wrote it right there into the constitution. In very short, clear language. So why a whole fucking bible of convoluted laws to say the same thing?

All (well, “all”) they would have had to do is establish that segregation policies were and had been enacted in violation of the constitution. The constitution governs all states, so “state’s rights” would not have been a viable defense. States don’t have the right to break constitutional law.

And there is one objection that often comes up, which is that common law had previously established that the constitution didn’t really say what it said. But this is a Gothic confusion. Goths have the legal tradition of common law, which governs pretty much everything by default. In England, it is pretty much the only law. But the basis for the constitution, for a constitution, any constitution, is not common law. It’s Roman law. Roman law is a very different animal. It does not rely on the decisions of previous judges to establish laws, but on written codes. It is implicit in Roman law that a judge can fuck up and make a wrong decision, and that is why codifying law in the first place. So, the US has a combination of both, because it still operates with common law, but the constitution is Roman law, it precedes any common law, any previous decisions. For Roman law, which is what the constitution is, all you have to do is prove an action goes against the written law, the code, and that’s a crime. They could have ruled a thousand times before that a certain type of action does not violate it, but that has no incidence on a new case where it is claimed that that very type of action violates it. You are not suing on the basis of previous decisions, on common law, but on the basis of a written code.

Now, it is understandable that most people, specially people that are part of a culture that only has a tradition of common law and in a place where, confusingly, both Roman and common law are used would not understand this, but these dudes were lawyers. Supposedly, super-star lawyers. Now, again, I don’t mean to gloss over the fact that it was a very tricky thing to do. I don’t mean to quarterback a finished game. But not looking at it would be like not to look at slavery because the founding members had slaves and they were obviously (and they were) super radical dudes, who did something extremely tricky.

This subject is so very touchy that even William F Buckley Jr eventually went “fuck it, same difference, the results are what matter.”

i wish i had read those
before they got deleted

Just a 1000 different ways of trying to explain something that is not explainable.

I love you.


Seriously, who can have a problem with this? It’s fucking genius.

If Vivaldi and Bach had a baby in the future, it would be Paganini. And Beethoven would scowl and feel unloved.

Possibly the last composer not to try to sound like something. With Romantic composers, you always get the feeling that they are trying to sound like they imagine something would sound.

It’s probably Mozart’s fault, because he actually did sound like something. So, in the end, maybe it’s all Mozart’s fault and not Beethoven’s.

If you listen to Mozart’s Masonic work, shit’s almost Romanticism. He still doesn’t commit the crime, but that motherfucker is right there. Just a little push and a 1000x downgrade and you have Ride of The Valkyries.

Here, listen,


A lot of people say the Masonic pieces allowed Mozart the freedom to be himself, and find the truest expression of his music. But actually, he sounds rather uncomfortable to me, copy-pasting from his proper work. Like when Vivaldi hilariously tries to do opera. The disdain both have for those genres is palpable. Collecting a paycheck.

Here, look,





truly flattered

Hey, any time.


Virgin Mary is carried to heaven, body whole, to rule at the right side of God. Probably the POV is some angels watching it happen.


It’s an interesting case, where Jesus is a God made mortal, but Mary is a mortal made God.

In some ways, the Virgin is ‘our man on the inside,’ a human, like us, that can intercede in our favor. Also an interesting case of a human attaining the highest possible, through no conscious effort, and suffering the envy of none.

The Virgin is everywhere. Wherever you go, she is already there. In every sprouting leaf. In every tumbling dust particle.

God is too busy to care, Jesus too self-involved. It is the Virgin that awaits, around every corner, and shrines to her that you will find in the remotest of nooks.

Always looking at the sky, statues of the Virgin.

Looking at what?

Well, at her self. Her throne.