Pedro's Corner

Yo I found this old thing looking through my files.

Most times my wines turn to cringy vinegar, but now and then they age nicely I find.

There’s a part there where spit builds up near my throat and eventually I turn a word into “glueoeon.”

Holy smokes is that a Yahoo bot?

i dont know what that means but the fbi raided mar-a-lago and got into trump’s safe today. i think it’s about the truckload of classified documents that he stole from the white house when he was moving out. and before you start in with the leftist witch hunt stuff, the fbi director is the same one he appointed after he fired james comey. so he got raided by his own guy.

Yeah, they’re really shitting their pants now.

once alex jones attorney accidentally handed his phone over to those prosecutors then it got sent to the 1/6 committee i figured the shit would escalate. i think that lawyer made that “mistake” on purpose

Trump and Alex Jones living in commie minds rent free.

i guess if that’s how you view it. i’m just over here popping popcorn and watching shit heads get nailed by the legal system. you might like what they stand for or whatever, but you know they’re shit heads

You think you know me. You clearly do not know me even a little bit.

At least charge them to use the bathroom or something, rent free is communism.

i can assure you that i don’t spend much time thinking about either of them. i mostly think about things like where to eat, or if i want to take a nap. but you know this week one lost a nearly 50m verdict and got his phone turned over to a political committee and the other is a former president who got his house raided by the fbi. so they’re in the news.

A short one but a fun one.

When I was younger, the future seemed like a big black expanse. It seemed pointless, and even altogether beneath me perhaps, to conjecture on what it would be. Like imposing a profession on a newborn child.

I’m still a kid, but as time goes on, you begin to see how thing leads on to thing, and the future for any given thing is no longer a black expanse. You begin to know what things are going to happen based on what things are happening, or what things are being done. And, it’s ironic, a sense of powerlesness only begins once the power to know the future sets in. You learn to get worked up at all the avoidable catastrophies. Catastrophies for the good, the healthy at heart, I suppose, not necessarily for the spiteful and the hateful. People that are not our enemies, but whom life did not treat very well, or they were not very well equiped for how life was to treat them. I have seen it in the rich, I have seen it in the poor. Man is still an animal, and our animality doesn’t know how much money we have, or what status we have in the world.

Blackness. The thing about it is, no matter how much you illuminate, there is always an infinity more. One learns, also, the pointlesness of a fear of sacrilege.

For freedom. For Sparta. To the death.

Pedro / origami
Where do you eat? What do you eat? Do you take naps?

Why are you smearing them all together like that? lol

if i had to guess, pedro seems like someone who would eat a lot of rice. you know that rice-eater vibe that some people give off? like if he were cooking some chicken, or some fish, or whatever…by the time he was done there’d be some rice on the plate. he probably knows about several different kinds of rice. the textures, best practices for preparing them, and their historic origin. as far as naps go, i think he probably takes an average amount of naps, but that he’d try and tell you he didn’t and that instead he takes a less than average amount of naps. this is all pure speculation on my part. maybe he sleeps all day and hates rice…but i have my doubts

hey pedro ccl changed it’s covid rules today and in the fine print the big thing is that the new rules only apply to sailings under 16 days. so it looks like it isn’t as expansive a change as it could be, but, like 99% of the sailings are under 16 days. kinda tricky way to play both sides as far as public perception on the part of people who think covid is bad, and actually allowing more people to book who don’t care about it. i bet the stonk makes a little spike monday. i picked up at like 8.60 something and it hit around 11 today that’s only been a week or two. hovering in the high 10s right now. watch for the spike get you some stonksss

That is ridiculous you obviously guessed that because I am South American. Any asshole coulda told you that.

Also I am pretty sure I have made several graphic novels regarding the finer points of rice making.

And the nap thing that is what basically 99% of humanity would say and do.

I take less than the average amount, though, bien sure.

I eat food, I eat real proper food. I don’t need ridiculous trend diets because I follow the diet that has served humanity well for thousands of years which is cook your own food. Mostly rice.

The other day I was making pork and while I was cutting it it hit me that it is basically person meat. Like if I was cutting up a person it would probably feel and look a lot like that. And that freaked me out a bit.

But when you cut that shit up into tiny little pieces and deep fry it at high temperatures that shit is extremely fucking delicious.

Listen let me explain to you something, that you don’t include rice with basically every meal is a sign of your barbarism.

If you don’t like Metallica, you don’t love America.

i can play at least some part of nearly every metallica song that came out all the way up through the black album