People you miss

speaking of Felix … 4#p2908794

…he -and a few others- were trolled off the boards by a few inconsiderates… who are barely conscious enough to have acknowledged the fact.

There are children with more astuteness and conscientiousness, than they.

^S/he never passive aggressively trolls anyone, and has much to offer on partying & detoxing. & has a cool garden.

…a poor imitation^ of tryna do a ‘Mags’ …the sign of a true troll. :wink:

I edited.

One of them has now posted again after all. Great. I’m very happy again. :smiley:

Dicumentarian , Peter Kropotkin, howes things is still there, and why?

I miss Lyssa.

I miss you.

K: I still look in time to time, but basically this board got so fucked up by
the ''kids" that I fled… I post elsewhere…
and I notice that they have fled too… typical… like hordes of locusts,
destroy and move on… taking no notice of the damage they left behind…


I miss all those that have only ever replied to me to either correct my grammar/syntax, tell me that I lack logic, tell me what tisane or some other thing I didn’t ask about is, or create a post to me to specifically test my intelligence/intellect/knowledge/mad skills… not!

Go’damn jokers…


I’m back.


I miss some people who I didn’t correctly interpret in real-time.

And some that I did.

And some that I never will.
