People you miss



Whitney Houston

John Lennon


Xunzian, Impenitent, Dunamis, Farsight, mr R, Pandora, Gobbo, Jayson, Abstract, that Rastafarian styled psychedelic guy who was smart, abhi-pratapta, Anita, Three Times Great, statiktech, a bunch of other people, Weary Locomotive.

God of course.

God isn’t real Iambig.

Ronald Reagan and Maggie Thatcher.

Things have gone pear-shaped ever since.

Welcome back R.

Man I was really beginning to think the I.R.S. sent you to prison there for back taxes or something.

Both were hacks that brought us to this point and juncture presently.

Yeah, but they were funny.

Funny as shit drying out on a back porch, sure.

You can’t say that about an old lady and an aging film star. The non-binaries will get you.

Nobody listens to them anyways.

And what about Harbal?

Lol why’d you have to mention. Let me go in a nook and cry.


I miss the 2013 to 2016 era, give or take a coupla years on either side… funnier times… then things started getting serious. :neutral_face: