Personality Types

Are you blind or obstinent? <—That is how I spell it and you best get used to it. Your personality types are constricting. Like I’ve already written, I am Hi-D.

I am curious to see what your results would be.

That would happen if you’d quit fiddling with my program. You know to what I am referring. :smiley:

You’re an agent Smith in the matrix. Deal with it or be square.

You’re a rude INTJ at that. Run Neo and take the Oracle and Key dude with you!

I’m a INFP.

I don’t think I like these INTJ’s, they sound like they are rude, meanhearted people.

=; :laughing:

So Steven, what are we to do with such people of either camp (INTJ, INFP)? I say let the mooskeetos eat them up.

That test is interesting but it is difficult to classify all humans in mere four categories. There may be enumerable in between categories.

With love,

Someone was gravely mistaken by 4 categories=16 personality whatevers. Now, there are actually 5 personality types since one Hi-D is adding one Hi-D to make up the revised, true list of personality (ups and downs) categories. My own recipe of je nais c’est quoi. Learn to love it, me! :-"

As an idealist I can see why. :wink:

Do you think the testing meets your personality type?

HHH having a tete-a-tete with Steven. Can’t wait to be blown away.

I think there is only enough human variability that 16 types can more or less exactingly define everyone. Maybe is there was less incest, drug use, political parties and cable tv in the world, there be more variability, but it doesn’t seem to be the case. 16 is about right.

Jakob said I was contrary and anal, which isn’t a INFP trait, so he is wrong, like always. My butthole is rather loose actually, side effect of old age. I gotta be careful when bending over to lift things.

You “think” “more or less”, what? You best think more than less again. #-o

:text-tmi: Never share so much again whichever way you are in all positions vertical, horizontal, or prone to never. Thanks for your cooperation! :laughing:


You’re a spunky one, aren’t you?

At least I realize that I am.

Are you really female? A/S/L?

I am an INTJ also. Yes I am at the top. Yes I score INTP as well sometimes, which seems it would be beneficial to be INTP or INTJ. To be able to perceive while holding judgment is beneficial, to be able to judge your perceptions are beneficial at tiems as well. Yes I destroy most humans strategically. I am at the top of my game at the age of 36. I am in Mensa as well. So what? Perhaps you want to destroy that in me. Perhaps I’m an arrogant smug son of a bitch. Perhaps you don’t think I’m as smart as you think I think I am. Perhaps you find me a disgusting human being for saying such lofty things about myself. Perhaps you think I’m a fool, like most others you think are fools here. So what?



INTJ’s in the house! Woot,woot!