Peter and Iamb

dont say christmas shopping that is offensive just call it holiday shopping please and thank you

Whateva dude. =;

bruh i am a solider in the war on xmas jesus was a black man and an immigrant and a socialist who wanted to help the poor and give away free healthcare that bitch is going down this is america

i was at a starbucks drive thru and i got my cup and it said merry holidays and i was ok with it but it should have said happy holidays i know they put that merry in there to placate the xmas terrorists who follow jesus and santa but i was gonna be cool about it then the bitch actually looked right at me and said merry christmas i felt attacked it was basically rape and i told her that i would never come back to this starbucks again then tweeted about it

Shit-Stain, why don’t you brag about your motorcycle and the whore you drugged…you know, because you “respect” womenz and stuff.
Show us what a whigger you are…a playa…living da good life and playin’ with people’s minds.

Then tell us about all that philosophy you know, but is so obscure that you hope nobody will expose the bullshit you spout.

Post more pics of the ho’s you bang, and then they clean your house, cuz you did such a good job with your “coke can” cock.
So proud you is.
You is a wannabe.

What a daft cunt you is, sorry for using the queen’s English and not American hip-hop jargon…wanker!

Incorrect, Jesus was a brown skinned Jew. Other than that, whatever.

[I’m not Christian anyways where you can believe in whater that floats your boat.

same thing

Not really, I wouldn’t call Saudi Arabia African.

but back then all the land was still together like pangea or something maybe so i mean maybe

K: well it is clear that you don’t give a shit about covid or about my health…

you are a poser, a dilettante…turn your pretend question into a real
question… explore a question of value… one that teaches us something…

it isn’t about the answers we find, but the questions we ask…

and what questions in your post have any value?

that is the beginning of real understanding, not the pretend understanding
you offer us…if you understood the truth, you wouldn’t be talking about such
stupid statements that is your opening post…


Serious question, were you high earlier when you wrote all of that? Do you really believe in all of that tripe?

Damn, you got me. Am I really that apparent? Shit man, brutal.

And you’re a guy who works retail, I’m just saying…

They have value for me, that’s why I wrote them, albeit comedic or amusing value.

My “support” is recognized to be but a political prejudice rooted in dasein. Just as your own fulminating, doctrinaire “convictions” are. Only, as with most pinhead objectivists, that would never occur to you because you need to be convinced that you and only you understand everything that can possibly be understood about covid and the vaccine. After all, how could you arrogantly mock those who are “one of them” if you weren’t yourself “one of us”.

Then up you go into the QAnon clouds…

You know, after the stock market collapses and the “the system” reconfigures into the la la land reality that he lugs around with him from day to day “in his head”.

Sure, turn it all into a joke. Like there won’t be any people who do refuse to get vaccinated, do get infected, do pass the disease on to others, who do in fact die.

As for holding others tight and comforting them, tell that to the families of those 337,000 people who have died from the disease just in America alone.

Only he doesn’t give a shit about any of that. Fuck the actual pain and suffering the pandemic has wrought. Covid is just one more plotline in his QAnon type “conspiracy theory” about the scumbag liberals in cahoots with Dr. Evil to take over the world.

As for all this…

I have my own political prejudices regarding the forces behind it: … s#p2187045

Cue Joe Biden and Nancy Pelosi and the Democratic Party Bilderbergers to keep that rolling along.

You honestly don’t grasp the extent to which you are both.

So, sure, perhaps your intent is genuine.

Or, with any luck, we do live in a wholly determined universe, and there really was no possibility that you could be posting anything other than this objectivist, reactionary crap.

But: Me too, right? :laughing:

What does that even mean?

Note to Others
Can anyone help me understand?

I like to think of Mr. Reasonable as the older and heavier philosophical version of Eminem on our forum here. He’s basically Malibu’s Most Wanted.

Fo-shizzle, my dizzle. :laughing:

When you interpret their posts you got to understand that you’re interpreting thoughts of people with prolonged brain lobotomies.

K: ok, you say your post is of value to you? great, then what value to you, does this
post represent? what is the “Meaning” of this post to you? what does it “offer” to us
as to an better understanding of what it means to be human? Is “what am I to do?”
is answered by this post? do you even answer any of the questions of existence by
this post?

NO, and that is apparent… you have nothing of value to offer until you begin to
question “who you are?” and "what “am I to do?” is engaged by you…

your questions are meaningless because you have no sense of your point,
or your real questions of existence…

that is why I question your posts because they offer us nothing of value
because you refuse to question your basic understanding of what it means
to be human… you can’t even answer the basic questions of existence
about yourself… so why should we engage with you if you are so clueless
about what it means to be human? you have no sense of the vital and real
questions of “what is existence?” or what “does it mean to be human?”

you act as if your posts actually offer us something when in fact it does
nothing of the sort… until you begin to address something serious,
why should we take you seriously?


On the other hand, it’s all the same to Tyler Durden:

Well, to be honest and clear here, I don’t consider you or Biggie as being human, you’re something entirely else.