Philosophy ILP style

You absolute velocity thread is 100 percent bullshit for reasons I’ve already explained in that thread.

You’re kidding me, right? LOL

You seriously think I’ve never heard of length contraction? You think I just made up some BS on my own and posted about 10 years ago, but never heard of length contraction?

How long ago do you think I made the diagram of “MD’s Box?” You think I just fabricated those equations and numbers out of thin air yesterday??? You are out of your mind!

You explained NOTHING! If you want to explain something, explain why it took .65 seconds for light to travel to the Z receiver???

Then explain to me how it is that you attributed to the special theory of relativity a FALSE CLAIM — that some ship, from its own standpoint, could traverse 42 light years in six year’s time???

SR does NOT SAY THAT! The distance is length contracted.

I didn’t ask you how long or short they are, I asked you HOW MANY laid end to end, for 42 light years distance???

The scenario claimed the round trip distance was 42 light years. That is a specific distance, and it doesn’t change because you travel fast or slow. The Earth orbits the Sun 42 times in the time it takes for light to travel that distance!

The distance DOES CHANGE, depending on relative velocity, and as a consequence the duration of travel must change to reflect the shorter distance, and both will change in the precise way that accommodates constant c! You are delusional! :laughing: Read the link I gave you upthread and stop blabbering!

So now the distance between the sun and the earth depends on how fast you travel. LOL

What is the distance between the Sun and the Earth at:

299,792,458 m/s?
100,000 m/s?
10 m/s?

According to Einstein (and you) the distance between the earth and sun depends how fast you are traveling! LOL

So what are the 3 different distances to the sun from earth, at the listed speeds?

…and you forgot to answer my question:

How many meter sticks, laid end to end, is the distance of 42 light years?

Motor Daddy, were you going to read this link, or not? When and if you do, get back to me.

Motor Daddy, you are so full of shit that I suggest keeping your eyes shut at all times, because if you open them, the crap will come squirting out of your pupils! :laughing:

Oooooopsie, You forgot to answer the questions, but instead replied with insults. You know what that means, right? It means you are DEFEATED!


Yes, I know, Motor Daddy, make a total fool of yourself online, parade your ignorance with blustering bravado, and then when people stop indulging your moronic assertions simply declare victory!

Motor Daddy, ARE YOU GOING TO READ THE LINK? Because if not, you are DEFEATED! :smiley:

Of course, once you read the link, you are also DEFEATED, because it shows you are wrong!

No, I’m not going to waste more time reading about some BS theory that I’ve proven beyond a shadow of a doubt to be false.

Do you spend all your time reading about other theories that you know are false?

Why would I want to waste my zero velocity time (LOL) on more Einstein Fudge?

“Once a Fudger always a Fudger.” LOL

OK, Motor Daddy! Buh-bye!

Bye! Hopefully you buy a new clock! LOL

…and get a new ruler too.

What do you think about Hilbert’s hotel, Motor Daddy?

Just for the record, which of you is the irresistible force and which is the immovable object?

Note to phyllo:

Have a tally of their fallacies and mistakes in logic yet? :sunglasses:

It’s really quite simple.

I have reported and explained accurate, up to date science with no fallacies and no mistakes in logic.

Motor Daddy has done the opposite.

Big difference.

Nonsense! That’s what I think of it, total nonsense!

An infinite room hotel would be larger than the universe, even if the rooms were infinitesimally small. :slight_smile:

Infinity is not a number. Infinity is the concept of continuation. So saying “a fully occupied hotel with infinite rooms” is total nonsense. Infinite rooms means there is no number of rooms. Claiming they are all full means there are no number of people occupying said rooms.

It’s a total mess of nonsense. Just word play with the concept of “continuation.”

It’s not even theoretically possible to have a hotel with “infinite rooms.” That means the hotel has no borders, which far exceeds the borders of the universe. It’s just a big mess of nonsense.