Besides those books that are by famous Philosopher like Aristotle and Kant that deal solely with Philosophy, what are some good fiction books that deal with a great deal of Philosophy in them? My personal favorites are “Jonathan Livingston Seagull”, “Zen and the art of motorcycle maintenance”, “Brave New World” and my personal favorite by Richard Bach, “Illusions” The advantures of a reluctant messiah. All of these books deal with some form of Philosophy but are written in fiction, well I know all of you have read Brave New World so you know the idea. Fill me in on some other great fiction books that deal with alot of Philosophy if you would.
reading a novel entitled 'Sophie’s World" at the moment. It is… not quite like anything i have read before. The story is told from the point of view of a young girl on the verge of her 15th birthday. It features a condensed history of philosophy and one really really strange sort of mystery. (My theory, Solipsism… when in doubt Solipsism can explain anything odd). But Ihaven’t finished it yet.
Voltaire is often considered a philosopher but was properly more so a novelist and play writer; for he was neither “profound” nor “original”, yet his short novels are particularly well written and deeply insightful.
Candide is one of my favorite short stories by a philosopher, and Voltaire’s prose is draw to attention immedially; which after completion, draws the reader to self-reflect on his own being.
Great read.