Physical dualism [my new theory of everything]

Physical dualism

“There are no limits to the degree in which we can split reality” – Amorphos

“Everything observable or otherwise detectable is ‘there’, it is a reality of some kind” – Amorphos ~

There are/are no, qualia of mind…
One cannot have a something e.g. a qualia of mind, that is not there and not in the real ‘physical’ world. What is produced via informations of mind, can be equally produced by similar or the same derivative informations in the world i.e. not of mind.

Quantum duality should include these extra ontology’s;

  1. Two or more correlating things may exist in the same spatial location.
  2. No two exact things may arrive in the same place.
  3. Reality may be divided endlessly.
  4. All things eventually resolve into emptiness = 0. Thus reality [in the particular or ‘real things’] ultimately or fundamentally doesn’t exist. Contrasted with that in the complexity of the duality of existence, things are real! ~ It’s a duality it can and does contradict itself; rather than ‘x’ is a given ‘thing/object or information’ we should consider all things to be in a constant ‘dualistic flux’ more as if: ‘x’ = either, neither and both elements or aspects of a thing.

Internal and external physicalism. [or, different layers and perspectives of physicalism]
We live in a perspective based [including subjective/objective in humans] physical duality. There can be more than one instance of a thing ‘in the same spatial location’!
Such instances can be inverted in terms of their correlations; colour and light can derive from differing informations e.g. photons [in the external world] or electrons [in the mental world [including the physical brain], nature can interpret them as having the same expression. Colour in mind is the same as colour externally in the world, in the mind it is derived from thought ~ electrical signals and chemical/magnetic polarities and complexities thereof ~ as with the resolution to my three boxes conundrum…

[i]Three boxes conundrum and relative thought experiments…
We have three boxes, in one, color is photonic wavelengths, in the next it is electrical signals and chemicals in our brain, and in the final box color is perceptual. So which one is color in?

Really it is in neither; it’s something which flows through them all and changes as required. Which means that it transmigrates form, from light to electric, to perceptual arrangements and patterns.
For me the brain in a sense listens too and looks at all three boxes, it gives credence to the perceptual box because in that box the world-view has been arranged, it’s like the image on the monitor rather than the input into the computer.

However, we can also look in any of the boxes and not find quale as literally there, it’s neither directly physical nor mental [1] [2] [below].

I feel sure though, that color is out there in the world, this ‘yellow lemon’ I see on the table also has color ‘quale’, but we can no longer refer to color as a mental quale. We have found it to be in none of the boxes, yet we know that the yellow lemon is in our perception because we experience it there. We also know from physics that there is a relationship between it and the other boxes, there would be no way for us to determine the yellow lemon as an external object otherwise.[/i]

[i]1. Viking thought experiment; if I take an axe and plunge it into a conscious living human head then clasp my hands onto the split skull and open it up exposing the brains innards; would I see anything which resembles the mental experience? Would I literally see colors and if spliced carefully in some manner, would I see the image in our minds eye as if displayed on a monitor?
If I looked at it in every possible manner, through a microscope or via any instrumentation [remember that the colors on a screen are not in the brain, or that screen, but are in the mind], would I see what I am seeing? Would there be words in there, concepts, any quale et al?

  1. If we take Leibnitz example; if the mind was a room, it would be completely empty. The mind only experiences quale when it is directed to either by the senses or the imagination , otherwise quale do not occur and the mind is empty.

We can observe ourselves that colour and light occur in our experience, that it can be manifest in the perception via electrical signals and other phenomena in the brain. Yet if we look at the brain we only see ‘external’ physicalism [consider; Viking thought experiment, above], we don’t see the perceived colours. We also know via optical illusions and the very interpretative nature of vision, that the brain can reconfigure the light information brought into its perception from external sources. The brain can also create its own imagery [much like a computer graphics card and software] independent of such sources e.g. in dreams and hallucinations.
I can see no reason why the latter are in any way different from the former, as the brain is still changing colour and images in the perception. The difference being that in our vision of the world, the brain is informed by informations deriving from the world [not purely internally as with dreams etc], thus it may portray that world reasonably realistically i.e. relative the accuracy of info and the ability of the brain to interpret that correctedly.

Let us here call internal physicalism ‘Ether’ just so we have a label for qualia and some way to wrap our heads around it.

What energy is to matter, ‘ether’ is to information [that of matter or other]. A pocketful of information can equate to a world of experiences and ether. Even though the brain is full of info in the billions, those relatively few physical objects can represent a vast complexity of corresponding colour imagery, quale and knowledgeable [mental] information. Physical info is largely just signals/vibrations/frequencies telling the ether what is required of it. The way i see it is that informations ‘hit’ the fabric of reality, which responds by producing what has been requested of it [colour, experience, thought], most of what is in the world is this occurrence more than the external physical info ‘shaping’ it. The important thing to note is that realities may be expressed in layers and without seemed contradiction, as the ancient Hindus would say; ‘you can take an infinity from infinity leaving an infinity remaining’, and the same here applies in the particular and relative limited aspects of reality!


It’s been done already.

You are going to need to unite the continuousness of General Relativity with the discreteness of Quantum Mechanics. The former is the theory of gravitation and the latter is the theory of light and matter. That is the real duality. You can’t have a “theory of everything” if you have a fundamental duality!

Links? :-k I doubt it has, for me everything even in the macroscopic is in a dualistic flux i.e. undecided until paths are found, as like with ‘coincidence’ and ‘chance’. Not to mention that here nothing of our experience is excluded and pertains to a general and universal medium [‘ether’] ~ the physical aspects are not the greater reality, merely the causes of the greater experience. Colour here for example, is not an attribute of photonic wavelengths, well it is in terms of the relationship the said info has with reality [seen as a whole and base], but more it is its own entity. It [said entity/quale] exists when the info from photonic wavelengths hits reality which responds by manifesting as colour entity, note; that is not energy. Equally the same result occurs from electrical signals, hence there is that universal medium medium. Doesn’t sound like anything i have heard of, but i’ll be happy to be proved wrong.

I agree, but this is not a scientific but a philosophical theory, it has no math because each symbol would have to have more than one meaning [sometimes contrasting] at least. The theory pertains to a universal relationship between duel particulars and a medium between all things.

I am reinventing the whole; first we have an informational universe, then we have more than one instance of the same result from different informations [[colour/colour] as above in my other reply], + the QM juxtaposition where all pathways are found ~ resulting in a medium between all things even where two or more things are occurring at once.

To agree, one has to accept ‘contradiction-that-isn’t-contradiction’ because there are multiple results. :astonished: :mrgreen:



[b]Greetings, again. Your thread seems to be an ontology that seeks to preserve the existence of things other than mind that nevertheless relate to mind, as well as a description of the external world. But given the nature of how we actually (how we experience ourselves to) exist, it seems that everything reduces to two things:

i[/i] The existence of an actual person and that which the person actually experiences from moment to moment (apply any term to describe this)

i[/i] That which is not any person nor any experience of a person (apply any term to describe this)

As I’ve stated in The True Nature of YOUR Existence, existence only manifests or appears in the form of “the final color box”-the metaphysical ‘box’ of perception–invariably in the form of a person in the act of perceiving. Electrical signals and dynamics of chemical in the brain and photons, electrons, etc. (and we’re talking about their external world variant, or what they are independent of the third box) do not appear in the form of a person and that which the person experiences (that which a person experiences, in terms of actual sightings and experiments with or upon the brain and its function, are perceptual counterparts of the external world brain (if the external brain exists).

Quick conclusion: Anything, any process in the external world and any description of the external world and its relation to persons and personal experience must, given the nature of what we are, fictional. Following Kant, anything that is not subjective experience is supported not by evidence (as all evidence is subjectively experience in the form of a person subjectively experiencing something it believes to be ‘evidence’) but by faith It is only by faith that one “knows” external world analogs of the content of visual perception or even imagined entities such as external world variants of protons and neutrons, etc. exist:[/b]

It still remains a scandal to philosophy and to human reason in general that the existence of things outside us (from which we derive the whole material of knowledge, even for our inner sense) must be accepted merely on faith, and that if anyone thinks good to doubt their existence, we are unable to counter his doubts by any satisfactory proof.

-Immanuel Kant, The Critique of Pure Reason

*Note: the term ‘fictional’ as used above does not imply that one’s ontology is false, for to claim that is the negative version of the criticism I make here. Rather, the notion that everything that is not an actual person and that which the person historically or currently experiences is ‘fictional’ utilizes the second definition of “fiction” in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary (although “description” of things that are neither persons nor personal experience, made up within the mind of an individual, is an act of fiction of the first and third definition):

fic•tion \ˈfik-shən\ noun [Middle English ficcion, from Middle French fiction, from Latin fiction-, fictio act of fashioning, fiction, from fingere to shape, fashion, feign—more at DOUGH] (14th Century)

1 a: something invented by the imagination or feigned; specifically : an invented story

2a : an assumption of a possibility as a fact irrespective of the question of its truth *

b : a useful illusion or pretense

3: the action of feigning or of creating with the imagination

[b]Your ontology is very imaginative and clever and makes good intuitive sense (as it is logically coherent), but it is odd to assert, as though one had absolute certainty of, the existence of anything that is not of the third box or composed of the substance of experiencing itself, given that the only thing that manifests its existence, to us, is experience. Something that is not experience at all, it seems, could have nothing to do and no responsibility for the existence of experience. IMO, assertion that something other than experience or mentality exists and works in tandem with experience or mentality flows merely from incredulity or disbelief that only experience and mentality exists.

I will not, in the wisdom I have now, assert that your view is false or incorrect: I can only say that we, being experiences made out of nothing but the fact or act of experiencing, have no true rational or logical grounds to link experience to that which is neither experience nor mentality: we certainly have nothing more than faith or appeal to quasi-religious revelatory knowledge to support its existence.

J. [/b]

Hello J, thanks for posting, this one seemed to have slipped most people by, hope I am not that bad at expressing myself lol.

I think you can have both i & ii given a medium betwixt and of the two or any other dualisms. In fact theoretically you can even have an absolute and infinite god which is complete in its own right. Thats like saying you can have a reality that is the universe which covers all of reality and there is nothing external to that reality [relative to that space directly], then saying that you can have a god reality which is complete and its own, then also saying you can have a mind reality in the same complete way! It sounds very contradictory doesnt it! And yet…

chaps like you and gib can perfectly explain the world we experience as nothing but that, or of mind and god. Science could perhaps one day explain reality in purely material terms, and where there is no experiencing mind as such, the physical universe composing all.

So lets go back to my thought experiment if I may; we have three boxes where colour should exist; 1. the experience/perception, 2. the process/calibration [as in the brain or a camcorder] = electrical signals, which derive from 3. photonic wavelenghts and the external world generally.
Box 1 is in you, box 2 is in your brain, box three is outside of these.

Your mind and brain much as the world can change the contents of those boxes e.g. colour blindness, optical illusions, and that the creates our image of the world something like a computer can an image. In fact our image of the world is that composition. …naturally I would expect you to be comsidering the whole thing in terms of that last sentence.

Now I am going to jump into the core of my proposition here; my conundrum appears to primarily exclude colour from any of the boxes! The viking axe experiment excludes colour from any physical location of the brain. We cannot see colour in particle wavelenghts in much the same way, and that leaves colour only within the realm of our experience and outside of the physical world.

Now I am going to contradict all of that to a degree. In order to percieve colour in the world, the experiencer has to have the ability to read informations. It can either read them from the brain [much like a user and a computer], or use that as an instrument to read from the external world. Those informations each must have the ability change and observe what we may call qualia [but note they are not only of the mind but in all three boxes], such that a communication can occur betwixt any of the boxes.

There must imho be a medium by which colour can be in multiple locations and may be ‘read’ and communicated universally. Otherwise colour is stuck in one place e.g. like how we were taught at school that it was only out there in the world [photonic].

I assume that the persons are communicating and that informations are being exchanged, and that requires the second medium of information. Even that within a single experience and person, for the experience to be known to itself the experiencer, then there is a medium of communication!

We kinda hit the ether here, in my experience when informations are taken away or otherwise not communicatable [death, astral projection, visions etc], there is a direct connection between exeriencing souls. It is as if communication via information in fact puts a distance between things, making everything worldly, abstract.

I shall answer as to the latter part of your reply on your thread…