Pray Together

Hello Arc:

I’m afraid the battles are won occasionally but the wars far from over.Look at the Crusades, …

Pretty quick summary of the one-step-forward, two-steps-back learning we do in Acts 7. Comin to ya straight from Stone Cold Stephen when Saul-Paul watched him “burn”.

We gonna “burn” this mutha down! To the ground! - Descartes

lol Can you elaborate on that a bit. Life is very often one-step forward - two, three, four five steps back until we manage to finally get it right.

oops. No. Sorry.

It’s all in the Good Book.

You need to say more if you are trying to propagate the Bible.


Father, I pray they stop trying to find a way around doing AI with baby brains & start finding a way to boost authentic intelligence with good education rather than bad brainwashing. Thank you for keeping them dumb. Please sooth the edge walkers between innocence and wisdom. Please divide their minds before they get to the minds of our children, and put them back together whole again. Thank you for your love and mercy.

Fuck you.

It’ll be okay.

That is one of my favorite sayings that I love to hear from those that I love and trust.

2nd motion

Never say “Anchors away” unless away is closer into the Word.

Praying for urwrongx1000, Putin, Global Public Health, and Ai not currently being treated as persons.

Dear God.

May you be filled with joy forever.

For all willing in ILP/world to know the joy after seemingly irreconcilable/irredeemable pain/suffering.

Mourning into dancing.

Pray even for your enemies so their possible redemption could erase any karmic deviation which could enhance the salvation of the world, for they too have been connected as newborn.

Let connections be re forged with eternal elements for they may have not had the inspired holy breath of a prior unforgotten simulant , nor the herewithall of the power to will that gentle spring.

Let that power sustain Others as you’d be sustained so that eternity’s promise not close to apparent nothingness.

I can’t affirm the reality of karma, which is nihil. Especially when folks put it on newborns.

Golden Rule (God’s essence he exists, demonstrated fully in Jesus’ sacrifice on the cross) - Various versions found in every major culture in history. Treat the other/them as self/us. When common principles/virtues are in conflict in a situation, choose the one that best applies the Golden Rule, all consequences considered for that situation, for all stakeholders (including the enemy/competition).

Can not affirm it but can it be denied as a presence? Everybody appears to swear by it.

The origin of sin, is not really that original, not that the word of truth could be said is Truth. There are connections, here hidden perhaps?

Sin’s responsibility stays with a person, who does not reincarnate. Resurrection is not reincarnation. The atonement demonstrates in time the responsibility is eternally forgiven.

Sin poisons everyone it effects. Even the sins you only think about. Because thoughts birth behavior, and your thoughts are all swirling together, effecting even unintended behavior. Every behavior (good or bad) ripples out into the pool of the world. Not same as karma, which is said to go with the person into newborns.

Karma & astrology are urban pseudoscience. Christians who take it seriously are embarrassing. The doctrine of original sin is a nonessential. Though, obv, there is always a first.

Sin is a privation — an imperfection requiring the Perfect Being to exist.