Predictions for 2024

I knew that. I just had to say it. :smiley:

Just as the war on drugs never ended, the war on terror never ended, and the rights they stole from us under these pretexts were never returned, I’m predicting the war on covid will never end, only morph into the war on viruses and intensify, as suddenly new viruses appear out of the ether as if by magic, and the rights they steal with it will never be returned, barring a revolution, or systemic collapse.
We’re going to see our governments crank the persecution of paleoconservatives, libertarians, and perhaps other dissidents to 11.
There will be more fake, exaggerated and real, but manufactured crises opportunistically exploited as pretexts to steal more of our rights unless we start resisting.
The elite are importing a culturally progressive, globalist variant of the China model to the west.

Democrats (maybe Harris) 45%
Republicans (Maybe Carlson Tucker) 25%
Patriot Party (one of the Trumps) 21%

Give give a fuck Party (no one) 8%