Predictions from Zero_Sum and a heart felt greeting.

Update: Seen another white hazmat van smoking a cigarette on my porch and this time it isn’t the same one. It appears they’re patrolling the area every thirty minutes at regular frequent intervals.

Nah that’s not government. They wouldn’t be rooting around a small rural community like yours (not yet, anyway). He’s probably a bad guy… likely a right-winger white nationalist. They like to dress up in fatigues and shit and go driving around in company vans listening to Bob Seger while looking for jews and cops to spray coronavirus on (no shit, google it). Doubt he was antifa, mad maxist or anarchist. They tend to dress more stylishly.

I don’t think so man, they look unmarked and standard government issued. The kind of vehicles that only the government can afford. Didn’t look like no poser to me and there isn’t just one van either but instead multiple ones.


Alright here’s what you do.

If you don’t have any warrants for your arrest, you can from from them when they try to take you into custody for transport to the fema camp, without incurring any charges (resisting arrest). So you lose nothing by running, and you sure as shit don’t wanna go to a fema camp because all they do is play checkers and read old People magazines all day. If you run, and they catch you, your good (legally), and off you go. So you might as well run as a first option. And don’t worry, they won’t shoot at you. If a neighbor saw it and got it to the news media, well… they think they got problems now? Let the country find out government is shooting at citizens who resist detention. Total chaos in less than 24 hrs. The government wouldn’t dare take that risk (not yet. not yet.)

I have a fall back position to go to if it gets that bad, kind of a hike but I know where to go.

I’m a small fish or nobody really where I’m not worried about them coming for me, at least that’s what I like to think. I’m pretty much holding up here lying low under the radar, I rarely venture outside.



Here we go: THE BIG GAMBLE?

[b]"President Trump is weighing calls from some Republican lawmakers and White House advisers to scale back steps to contain the coronavirus despite the advice of federal health officials as a growing number of conservatives argue that the impact on the economy has become too severe, according to several people with knowledge of the internal deliberations.

"Loosening restrictions on social distancing would override the internal warnings of senior U.S. health officials, including Anthony S. Fauci, who have said that the United States has not yet felt the worst of the pandemic.


“The 15-day period is set to end on March 30.”[/b] WP March 23, 2020

So, in a week, which way will we go here in America? And this is not just an economic question of course. If Trump gambles on scaling back “social distancing”, and, as a result, the infections explode, lots and lots and lots of people could die.

And the economic nosedive might be that much worse.

Or, sure, he could “reboot” the economy, new infections don’t go through the roof, the economy becomes bullish again and the gamble pays off.

Seven days and counting?

From the NYT:

[b]"But there could be consequences to ending the measures too quickly. The recent rise of cases in Hong Kong, after there had been an easing of the spread of the virus, is something of an object lesson about how ending strict measures too soon can have dangerous consequences.

"In a tweet on Monday morning, Thomas Bossert, the former homeland security adviser who for weeks has been vocal about the need for the U.S. government to take stricter measures, said, “Sadly, the numbers now suggest the U.S. is poised to take the lead in #coronavirus cases. It’s reasonable to plan for the US to top the list of countries with the most cases in approximately 1 week. This does NOT make social intervention futile. It makes it imperative!”[/b]

Alex, I’ll go with most American lives are disposable or expendable including their health for a loose failed bioweapon all over the world to prop up a dying currency and economy along with someone desperately trying to get politically reelected.

Alex can’t sell you a vowel, but the guy on Wheel of Fortune might.



Oh shit, I forgot. Good call. :laughing:

Just don’t let it happen again.

:laughing: :sunglasses:


Bloomberg News- “U.S Treasury Secretary Steven Mnuchin is seeking to tap executives from Goldman Sachs Group Inc. and other Wall Street firms to help oversee more than $200 billion in bailout packages.”


Alright a few things to remember. NEVER make a campfire at night… and if you must burn one during the day, don’t use wet wood and try to avoid burning pine. The smoke density is ridiculous. You might as well shout through a bullhorn ‘HERE I AM, GUYS!!’

You’ll want to do your resting/sleeping during the day in a concealed spot. I like to sleep in hollowed tree trunks or under water, myself. I use a bamboo breathing stick. At night is when you move. Go into town for scavenging or to find some Mad Maxines who might be looking for a tough guy to team up with. Btw, have you been doing your push-ups?