Predictions from Zero_Sum and a heart felt greeting.

Oh, I saw that post of yours where you said Denmark passed a bill permitting law enforcement to forcibly test and inoculate adults.
Very interesting.
I found an article the other day corroborating what you said.

I guess social distancing sort of goes straight out the window once you enter some hospitals, particularly small, underfunded ones in poor neighborhoods.
Goes to show you how much the political and financial establishment really loves people, especially poor black people.
This is why I’m skeptical whenever government says it wants to keep us safe.
Keep us safe is code for gather, fleece and slaughter the sheep.

[youtube][/youtube] … ronavirus/


I’ve rewritten the lyrics of ^^^ song to make it a bit more appropriate.

Take your time… if you’re weasing
When your throat is dry
And this time… ain’t gonna be so easy
If you’ve got pre-existing conditions
Keep your social distance and wash your hands
Whenever you are done
Touching things without gloves on both haaaands…

Well, to all my fellow Americans in the U.S.S.A it looks like we got another four more weeks of nationwide quarantine, how are all of you holding up? I’m just relaxing over here taking it easy as this is probably the first real vacation I’ve had in nine years. Looks like we all won’t be making it to church on Easter Sunday after all, not that I really attend either way. :laughing: :sunglasses:

Say it with me folks, four more weeks… =D> #-o

I hear Pornhub is offering free premium memberships throughout the duration of the quarantine, spank away! :laughing:


I hope you’re all utilizing proper PPE in this environment and taking proper measures of social distancing in this environmental crisis. When I feel vulnerable or worried about being exposed to the Coronavirus I like to fill an entire bathtub full of Purell and scrub myself all over until I feel clean again, it’s the only way to be safe…


Lol you’ll like this one, zero.

So, grocery store workers are risking their lives for $9 an hour while the government pays everyone else not to work and stay home, and the federal reserve is creating tens or hundreds of trillions in secret loans for the elite that will never be paid back. Is that right?


The new normal…


Meanwhile inside India…



“According to new documents and interviews with military experts, the various plans – codenamed Octagon, Freejack and Zodiac – are the underground laws to ensure government continuity. They are so secret that under these extraordinary plans, “devolution” could circumvent the normal Constitutional provisions for government succession, and military commanders could be placed in control around America.” … 78%3famp=1

It is time.

lowers visor with an audible click

Wow guys, we’re in an economic recovery and new bull market where it only cost us three million people unemployed on top of those who were already unemployed previously. With the Federal Reserve purchasing stocks, purchasing oil, buying up debts,and bailing out every giant corporation under the sun along with bailing out foreign banks overseas I guess we’re all saved! :sunglasses:

Could it be that America is now saved? MAGA!

I’m sure we’ll never see the DOW below 19,000 ever again within our lifetimes! :laughing:

Hell, we’re going to be open right up again on Easter Sunday! God bless you all! :sunglasses:






Donald Trump’s Perestroika…


Last week the United States hit the three million threshold of unemployed, this week I think we’re going to top that somewhere between seven to eight million unemployed. =D> :sunglasses: :evilfun:

And next week? 14 million unemployed has a good ring to it, don’t you think? :-k

What are the odds of 150 million people unemployed before the year is over inside the United States? :-k

Forward comrades over the cliff! Bailing out our rich corporate owners will set us free! Long live corporate socialism and our governmental military police state politburo! Support your local corporation today with money and financial donations, they’re suffering real hardship here! We suffer and struggle in miserable poverty so that they may live well! Bow and grovel before our awesome corporate overlords!



Mikhail Gorbachev 's Perestroika was about turning a command economy into a free market based system, Donald Trump’s Perestroika is about turning a dying decimated free market system into a central command economy.

Mikhail Gorbachev 's Perestroika was about making things more equal and fair for the common man or woman, Donald Trump’s Perestroika is about enriching the American corporate aristocracy pushing the common man and woman into excruciating servile poverty.

One form of Perestroika exercised a kind of economic socialism for everybody while the other exercises economic socialism only for the very wealthy at everybody else’s miserable expense.

Mikhail Gorbachev’s Soviet Union ultimately collapsed with him resigning as its last leader, Donald Trump’s America will also collapse where he will be the last elected president.

