I don’t know much about probabilities, but as far as I know, two random events don’t affect each other.
Take two identical sets of numbers, {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} and {1, 2, 3, 4, 5}. You choose one random number from each set, a and b.
The probability of a+b to be 2 is 1 to 25: (1;1)
The probability of a+b to be 3 is 2 to 25: (1;2) (2;1)
The probability of a+b to be 4 is 3 to 25: (1;3) (2;2) (3;1)
The probability of a+b to be 5 is 4 to 25: (1;4) (2;3) (3;2) (4;1)
The probability of a+b to be 6 is 5 to 25: (1;5) (2;4) (3;3) (4;2) (5;1)
The probability of a+b to be 7 is 4 to 25: (2;5) (3;4) (4;3) (5;2)
The probability of a+b to be 8 is 3 to 25: (3;5) (4;4) (5;3)
The probability of a+b to be 9 is 2 to 25: (4;5) (5;4)
The probability of a+b to be 10 is 1 to 25: (5;5)
So a+b is most likely to be 6.
So if a is n, b is most likely to be 6-n.
I need to know if I made myself understood, and, if so, where I did wrong.