Profile options?

Where do people get [how can I get] these little square pictures under their screen name? Ive seen it on other BB’s as well, but haven’t seen an option for them yet.

here is the low-down…

… That pic is called an Avatar. You go to your Profile. And at the bottom there is an option called upload Avatar. Or something to the like. So if you have a .gif or .jpeg that meets the requirements, go ahead with your badself! The other option is to run a google image search, or go to a site that has an awesome pic and enter the URL.

tried drawing something but it didnt work…any suggestions? CAn i do that at all?

what do you mean?

What did You use to draw “it” with (PC PaintBrush, perhaps?)?

If you used MS Paint, the file is a .bmp which is:

  1. usually far to big in size (exceeds 6KB)


  1. Is probably not compatable with the “accepted” file types on ILP.

Hope this helps.

Like my new Avatar?:wink:

Yeah, i think it was ms paint… everything i try seems to be too big, yet the stuff im tryin is really simple…not like your ones that move and dance and sing to their hearts content…sorry got a bit carried away…please excuss my computer illiteracy (and bad spelling)…Ill just go avatar-less until i learn to see a computer as more than just a television with an extra box…cheers guys

Thought so—Bitmaps (Paint file format) are annoying because they are sooooooooooo huge. My personal favorite is the .jpeg format… .gif are ok, but are not allways as easy to use. Godd luck with finding an avatar.:wink:

Yeah!!! Cheers guys!! :laughing:

Have a look at mrn, thats where i found mine.

Congrats! :wink: