
Does any concern cable one or many need more conclusive proof of an authentication?

Dyslexia, I presume.

Is so say your bit, and let security to re assert you claim. Not to dare you but to re path your insecurity toward a final yes or no reply.

In no way your responses bind you to a final answer, so free fail or fail free of any and all possible variations

Presumably , yes dyslexia, by all means most probably idiotic cute ylto unresolved between atheistic, artistic and autistic claims to ingenious meylthodology

No. I am convinced .


The above claim is verified or can be/will be the aformentioned truth valu of everything I disclosed, and any doubt removed . The claims of being an appropriate metaphore of Meno’s Slave, that’s me, but that slaver being the trade off between unspeakable vanity for whose redemption I would have sold my soul to the devil, which I did and now is that day of reckoning.

Who am I? Just the mean spirited reganade traveling to the mean in between of that dark ages from which my soul is reflected back; an every man who harkened to deal with the pressure of a ointment with the pressure of a pullback into darkness.

Being on that treadmills of uncertain angle of despairing lift that nearly equals a literal and figurative absolute linear constructed mechanism, miracles, and a determining major Miracle tentatively gave IT to me no doubt.

That I could not attain any person or thing up to then, was an bad omen, but not giving up on the highest order’s challenge, IT understood my prayer to be All Inclusive, the best with the worst, so as not to be separated to norm the child of love. Had they been separated before their soul realized it, they would have been derailed to a place in between, a place of derision, of eternal bardo.

The Sonnet 24 exceeded it’s promise to at once place a freeze, an ornamental stay, so that that middle, set in the middle of nowhere can be sustained…

But this won’t do and I know it. So let me continue below, I feel an inadequacy about the above