
Just something I wrote…
Any Feedback is Input…


Every moment is another chance,
And As the Journey continues,
We will soon be Enlightened,
For it is not Dying we are affraid of,
More it is the fear of loosing ones’
Sense of self in the Process.
Fear is an Illusion of the Mind,
Created by our Intangible Love,
For the life we now know.
So as the conscious & unconscious realms come into
contact with the birth of new Ideas,
What is the real lesson to be learned?
Try to Put ones’ sense of self on hold,
Even if only for an Instant,
Act in another’s favor.
Watch what happens!
But Remember…
The harder you look,
The less you see.
As the message does not preach,
It simply teaches these lessons learned,
By youthful sins,
So that your horizons may have no End…


Nice. Quite Dutch, too. One thing though. It’s arranged as poetry.

There were discussions a while back of introducing a forum especially for this quite of work. For prose, poetry, any piece of writing with a philosophical bent.

What do you think of this idea, Synthesist, or anyone else?

I know I would love it! I am a lover and writer of prose and poetry with philosopical themes.

Thanx for clearing that up for me,
Was not sure if it was poetry or prose,
Only because it just comes out that way.
I don’t even really know what is classified as poetry.
As from being a surfer growing up in Sounth Florida,
And working my ass off as a Sous Chef for the last 2 years.
Only now have I begun to dwell deeper into what it all means to me.

Just recenlty moved to Amsterdam, where I now pursue My passion for Music. When I started producing music, these phrases/poetry/prose, what-ever you want to call them, they just come to me.
I have written many but have never actually shown them to anyone.

There I go again, I apologize, I tend to ramble off the subject,
But Yah, I would really dig a Forum like that.

I would think it would be one of the best forms of Philosophy,
For the fact that the average person often gets lost in the sea of input that come from direct conversation. Even I have trouble understanding what some are trying to say. It may just expand some members minds to the next level they need, since it would allow for more of an artistic approach.
It may just connect better.

Mise well give it a try.

Just Live it, Just Love it…